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Posts posted by eliang100

  1. Agreed with above, there aren't any get quick rich schemes. Long term investments in stocks always pay off, learning restocking will pay off, getting into Food club (especially with an aged account) is very lucrative. To fund these, I would suggest doing some Flash games and Ghoul catchers. I play level 2 of Ghoul catchers over and over again which takes about a minute and nets 1k! 

  2. Eh, I think it's considered moderate. I can usually out-eat my boyfriend when it comes to heat but not like my Korean friends or anything lol


    TBPM has read Pride and Prejudice.

  3. Eh, I've traveled a moderate amount! I visit family in China fairly often and I've been to Europe and Australia. Obviously there is a huge range of places I've yet to see. I really want to do backpacking/low budget travel in SE Asia and go to some Oceanic islands! 


    TPBM regularly reads for pleasure. 

  4. I'm in a happy long term relationship right now but I wish I could still be friends with one of my exes. We were talkative on and off after we broke up but never really super close. It's pretty hard because we have very few mutual friends and we live far from each other after I moved.

  5. very eye-catching title 10/10 would read again


    Getting back into the game is so overwhelming sometimes! I would pick a very specific goal and work up from there. Do you want to customize? Make big money? Get into battling? The site is so big but I would really recommend concentrating on a few things at a time so you don't get freaked out.


    It's definitely not too late to get into AC! There's tons of time to get up to rank 1 and after that you get an avie. 

  6. Oof time for some introspection. I am vain about some things and tend to flaunt them when they come up in conversation, I am forgetful about obligations, and I am bad at keeping in touch with friends and family.


    Name 3 jobs you wanted when you were little. 

  7. False, although I certainly wish it were true! I've been neglecting myself a little in the health category, I need to eat and drink better and try to exercise once in a while.


    TBPM is close with their extended family.

  8. Oof, I definitely hated Thursdays last semester! I would have a combination of class, work, and organization stuff from 9:30AM to nearly 9:30pm! This schedule definitely made Thursday feel like a bigger hump day than Wednesdays :P

    TPBM eats breakfast regularly.

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