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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. Treasure of the Black Pawkeet WOOHOO!
  2. I long ago quit using the Ninja School for training/ Red stones cost so much and I have to wait (I don't remember how long) 24 hours to up my stats. I strictly train with cookies because I get a large boost in whatever stat I am granted. What are max Strength and Defense? Does it just stop at a certain number? Do Level and Hit Points stop at a certain number too? Finished off the last 2 JN battles. I'm hoping to see results tomorrow or the next day.
  3. Treasure of the Black Pawkeet
  4. 1. 2. For your efforts, Legretta_Abyss's defence has increased!
  5. I will post the final standings that I receive. Good or bad. If I actually rank in the top standings I'll be happy with that If I don't I know it could be because I didn't fight in one of the important battles. I took your advice a while back about fighting Snowager and I got in 1 of the fights 2 frozen neggs and in another battle, another day I got 3 in a battle but mostly if I get them it is always along with a snowflake or other cheap item. I was selling them when I got them then decided to put them in the SDB. I just recently looked and had 10 frozen neggs so I listed all at once in the shop and sold all to the same player. Happy days! I had already feed my pet as a gourmet food and stuck 1 in the gallery for my my negg collection. My plan is to save up 10 before I put them in the shop. I think I may have used 1 or 2 in the neggery to buy some neggs I didn't have in my gallery. They are fairly easy to win when you play snowager. I also learned that from you. BTW, any idea when this *plot* might start?
  6. Here are the last day challengers I'm not strong enough to beat him on anything higher than the 650 The 158 is the Red. Go figure another lame opponent I won't have been confident enough to play in this contest had it not been for your help of updating weapons. I appreciate all the help you have given to me. Still upset about that Snow Beast though! I could have knocked him down on the RED. LOL
  7. Symol Hole CHANCE AT PRIZES, January 31st: For a chance at receiving a prize, visit the Symol Hole and jump in between XX:50:00 to XX:53:59 during any hour of the day.
  8. 2 I will never get but this is the list of what I need. I may never get the other 2 either since they are RE's and I get a lot of RE's. I think I remember some time ago trying for the Snow Beast but not to the extent I went to today. I will randomly go and refresh that page but I won't spend hours doing it.
  9. Sorry I can't figure out how to delete this 1st quote If you place in the top ?? ( not sure what the number is now they put a Trophy in your JN Trophy cabinet. No, JN puts up 2 challengers a day. You have until midnight then that days challenge closes and another 2 are presented. It started on the 25th and tomorrow is the last day. JN then withing 24 hours posts your score using your Battle Dome. You can learn more by going to JN and looking under News Here's an update. I started refreshing again at 6:45 Neo time and it's 10:35. I never got the Snow Beast so I have no points for that challenge. It's going to cost me from placing in an upper rank most likely. I checked and this was 1 of 3 challengers that I don't have. Hopefully tomorrow will not include either of the other 2. Honestly I am very disappointed about this after spending 9+ hours pushing a refresh button. I guess I'll soon know what tomorrow brings.
  10. 13. I have no magic of my own to reward you with, so I'm asking for help from another faerie. Fire faerie, come and bestow your blessing upon this Neopian! I cannot abide a debt that is not paid. She has stoked the fires inside Legretta_Abyss, who is stronger! 13. 14.
  11. Thanks for letting me know I was on the right track. I used F5 for about 30 minutes this morning and right before I posted here asking for suggestions I had used the F5 for about an hour. Now I just finished F5ing for $HOURS! No br4eaks, no Snow Beast but a lot of RE's. I kept thinking the *next click* . I'm getting a little flustered with this. I only have to midnight. Before I started the 4 hr thing I decided to find a similar opponent to see if I could even beat Snow Beast. I decided on the Slug Monster with 1250 HP and the ability to rejuvenate. I whipped him so I know I can whip the Snow Beast at 1200. Up until today the opponents have all been lame using 1 weapon and 1 hit. It was the same when I played the Grarrg today, lame. I was looking forward to the Snow Beast but it may not happen. My finger was tired of F5 so I thought I would come over and post an update. I an going to do my dailies then get back to F5ing. lol Well, I'm off and will update later. This is going to seriously hurt my score. Sorry you didn't play.
  12. Thought I would start posting the daily times to jump in the hole. Only a 1 minute time window today. Normally you have a 4 minute window. CHANCE AT PRIZES, January 30th: For a chance at receiving a prize, visit the Symol Hole and jump in between XX:59:00 to XX:59:59 during any hour of the day.
  13. I have been playing in the JN Blizzard Brawl '24. Today the opponents includes the SNOW BEAST. I don't have this one in my Battle Dome challengers. It gives a link to refresh so I can get it for the challenge. The link took me to the page below. I tried refreshing this page for about 30 minutes early this morning and nothing. I tried refreshing again the past hour for almost 60 minutes. I still haven't got the darn thing! It's going to mess up my fight record if I don't play this opponent today. Does anyone know if I am on the right page or have ant suggestions to help me get the SNOW BEAST? I don't mind refreshing the page but I do need to get it soon so I can compete. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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