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Posts posted by la_louve

  1. Honestly, it's likely the prices will only go up. If the book is only released through this event, then supply will eventually dwindle.

    I'm kicking myself for not thinking about that. I got the background. I like it, but I wish I'd thought to get the book.


    I thought about this but still decided to get the background because it's something I'll actually use. Otherwise, the book will just sit around and I already have enough stuff that does that.

  2. Oh boy, correct if I'm wrong but no one here seems to have seen the message at the Meteor Crash Site


    An angry Grundo Scientist appears and is shouting madly. RUN!



    I was thinking that this event would have to end soon because of the Festival of Neggs but now I wonder if we're looking at something much bigger. Either way, super excited.

  3. I initially thought that this would be a new world or new part of an exsisting world (and the full message makes me think space or up in the sky somewhere) but if the Festival of Neggs is the same length as previously, this plot only has a week or so to wrap up to aviod overlap. I hope they aren't trying to rush anything because of JumpStart.


    Also, I was pretty pleased that the last prize was a stamp. The others ones were kinda lame.



  4. I honestlycan't see how much they could affect the core of the game as long as the TNT is still the same. When NP went to Nickelodeon, I can't remember many changes in the day-to-day of the game. Sure, there have been updates but I'm not sure nickelodoen was really the force behind them.


    But, we'll see.

  5. Beware! You have to post the scores of Bruno's Breakaway and Edna's Shadow at the same time or it won't count.

    For example, I played Bruno's four times then played Edna's four times but it only gave me one of the bonus boxes. Then I play first Bruno's then Edna's three times and got the boxes.


    Not sure if it's just something my account/computer did but I ended up playing so many extra times because of it.

  6. I'm starting to feel a bit cheated. All these items I thought were super great to get in the beginning, well, those prices have tanked. And with so many on the market (and everybody else hording them), prices will probably be like this for months to come.


    Though, it's free stuff so I shouldn't complain.


    I do hope we get a good finale to help make all the grinding we've been doing seem a little more worthwhile.

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