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Posts posted by Dashana

  1. Depends at what shop you restock at. I restock at the Bakery mainly because there's not a lot of competition there. Most items that have 10+ items in stock aren't worth it, and 2.5K items usually aren't worth it either. It's a lot of trial and error, as I myself have bought tons of negative profit items while restocking. When I first began, I'd use the JN Item Database (selected shop I restocked at, arranged by price, went to last three pages) and if I was confused on what the item was worth I'd check the ID. However, this tends to slow you down and if the item is profitable, you will probably lose it.


    In the end it's just trial and error, and good luck to you! :)

  2. HPD occurs on the 3rd of each month, quite a while from now. x)


    You can try your luck restocking at the Chocolate Factory, but prepare to clear (buy things from the Shop Inventory so new things can restock) the shop! I know that there are a lot of R90+ Chocolate Item lists on Neopets somewhere. :P


    In the end it just takes a bit of practice entering the price and having a quick reaction and such, good luck!

  3. There's no trick to it, but most Avatar Collectors try and get it on HPD because the Chocolate Factory is usually cleared. I think that's a silly idea though, because that only means that there's more competition for you, but you can try out getting it on HPD if you want. :)

  4. Yes, this has happened to me before one time when I was buying an item for a Faerie Quest from another user's shop. I just went back and re-bought the item, the second time nothing popped up.


    I don't know what the cause of this is, unless you were directed to the shop by some suspicious website, but if you usually just go back to the shop and re-buy the item you were trying to get, it should work.

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