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Posts posted by sophioski2

  1. What is the best cheese? I've been buying the rotten cheese and get under 60 seconds most of the time! It's quite expensive though, so if there is a better option, let me know. I've been playing this game for one whole week now. Still no avatar :(



    Wow, I just tried the Quadruple Fudge Cheese and dived right all the way through and finished in 59 seconds! Thanks for the tip :D


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  2. Current Goals:

    - Rebuild and hit 200m

    - 2000 HSD Robot Krawk

    - 275 Avs

    - More game trophies (indefinitely)


    These were all my past goals but then TNT is a big bunch of dumbs and iced me oops.

    How did you hit 200mill the first time? I'm on 10mill and that took a lot of effort and time. It would be at least 3 years before I hit 200mill at this rate :(

  3. Do you know why you got locked out?

    there are different options to fix the issue once you know why it was locked out.

    Were you talking to me? if so, I got locked out because of an excess of crystals! I didn't collect them before refreshing - what a terrible error to make :(


    And lovefire, once I get mine back - I'd be happy to gift - just send me a neopets friend request :D


    I tried to post another ticket to TNT but the page won't load, so I can't send it. Is this a browser issue? Or a global issue with the site. It's rare but occassionally Neopets pages just don't work as they're supposed to :(


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  4. Hi LucyL! yeh, those stamps are pretty expensive :( So is the SuAP. I'm resigned to ever getting hold of one of those. I'm in the process of aquiring a pea chia though :) hehe I'm very excited about this.


    My short term goals are to get a great BD pet with 450+ HSD if possible, which I'm going to do by trading on the boards for a custom named Royal Draik or a Pirate/Royal Draik that I already own lol I do wish that BD stats didn't take so long to accumulate. In the mean time I'm zapping my main pet to see if I can get good BD stats, this seems to be a way that a lot of people get high stat pets!

  5. Yeh that makes sense. It figures to make sure that your stocks are spread out amongst the companies, given that they'll all fluctuate a lot.



    Siniri, what's the minimum increase that you sell at? Isn't 60 like a 300% increase? please excuse me if it's more like 400%, I'm no mathematician.[/size]


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  6. I know this is an old thread, but has anyone got any infor about the new battledome? What hardness setting do I need to put the Black Pteri on in order to get the avatar? I just beat him on easy but no avatar turned up :(


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  7. I tend to get one a month or so but if you buy the Faerie Fortune cookie in the NC Mall, you're guaranteed one per day. I really want to get the Rainbow Faerie quest so that I can paint a buzz for the avatar :D Apart from that I'm not so fussed about Faerie quests. Though today I got a Fire Faerie quest. She asked for a 1k item and increased the strength of my pet a lot. It was worth it!

  8. Hey Guys!


    Today I had the unfortunate pleasure of getting locked out of my habitarium. I've been trying the 'merging' method but that isn't working. (Petpage here: http://www.neopets.com/~Nimmo for help on getting unlocked, and preventing being locked out in the first place).


    Anyone got any tips about how to unlock a habitariuim? I don't mind if it sets me to level 1 again as I find levelling up fairly easy :) Once I get back into my account I'll be able to gift more or less every day :)










    If there is another room somewhere already, feel free to close this one and link me to the correct one :)

  9. Whhhaaaat? How is that pea so expensive? How many people playing this game actually have 900million? Like, seroiusly. Also, I got locked out of my habitarium today. This is a sad day. What is more, I can't seem to submit a ticket to neopets because the page won't load properly. :(.

  10. Cool! I'm pretty annoyed at myself for not selling some of my stocks at a 93% increase as the price has now dropped dramatically to round 40%. I hear what you're saying about not keeping money there for no good reason but I'm not in any rush to make millions.

    I'm wondering if I'll ever get enough NP to borrow a SuAP or a Bony Grarrl Club. I guess those are my long term goals... 200million NPs seems impossible though :(

    Oooo and I got the Adam avatar today - the Asparagus was only worth around 5.3million :D. It was 9.3million the day before. I do wonder where that number comes from sometimes... Anyone know?

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  11. Hey there,


    I'm interested in signing up for a few avatars, once I have the requisite number of posts on TDN of course. I was wondering if I could help the ALP in some way. Would you guys would be interested in having some more avatar pets? I have a couple with petpets that award avatars that I'd be willing to give up for a good cause :)

  12. My goal is to get as many avatars as possible. I'm going to save up to as much as possible so that I can buy the right pets etc, and in the mean time practice the games. I'm going to leave the stamp collection avatars till last. Does anyone have any tips for those? I got the impression that they were EXTREMELY expensive.


    I'm new to TDN btw so 'Hi' :D

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