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Posts posted by nomnomnom

  1. omgosh hi josh :)

    i was actually on the tdn dailies site. i just happened to look at the right sidebar, and i saw 'how did you name your neopets?' and decided to click on it :P


    AngelDiva_9792: i created my shoyru when i was in elementary school, and i looved divastarz, so naturally (says my childhood mind), angeldiva

    marmeri16817: randomly generated by neopets

    battymcfatty: because i wanted something that rhymed :P

  2. 400k is significantly lower :o i feel bad for offering such a low price because he knows i'm aiming to get the neopian book award, and he usually gives me discounts on books, and the chances that i pick it up from the book store are unlikely.


    i'm not sure what to do, but thanks for responding :laughingsmiley:

  3. hello everyone,

    someone nm'ed me asking me if i wished to buy 'Lupe Digest' for 1.2mil. i checked jellyneo but the price has been cleared. do you guys know if this is a good price for the book?




    thanks :)

  4. There seem to be clickable hidden Novas this year! I had a feeling we'd get more clickable hidden objects in the animations like we did last year so I started clicking on all the starfish. The Nova once it showed up. Of course, there will be more NC items involved like there was last year as there is ALWAYS NC involved in every event now. We'll once again get something that has to be opened with a special NC key or mittens alongside the daily extra prize.


    thanks! :D


    i'm so excited about advent calendar!

  5. hey everyone,


    i got the cartogriphication boon from the order's victory. i went to the faerie caverns today and the little voice told me to go right, so i did, but then it ended up being the wrong direction. is that a glitch, or is cartogriphication not always going to lead you the right way? o_O anyone know?

  6. Word of warning: Do your fortune cookie quest first if you have it. I did it the other way around and it wouldn't let me complete the fortune cookie quest. And naturally I got the crafting faerie from the daily quests, so I got nothing today.

    that's weird. i got the daily quest first from fyora, completed it, and then did my FFC quest for the air faerie without a problem o_o

  7. Ah, well if you're STUDYING, that's different, school and RL stuff comes first. LOL


    nomnomnom, since you're curious....


    Wins so far...

    Assistant Scientist 50

    Smug Philosopher 50

    Petty Pilferer 50

    Roadside Bandit 50

    Midnight Smuggler 50


    So far. ;)


    If I weren't on the phone I'd be battling right now. ;) More battles to come soon though! :D


    Kanrik and Prof Lambert will get their beatdown soon. ;)

    whoaa 50 each that's crazypants :o my battles vary right now. i've battled kanrik and rasala once on mighty, and lost both times :( then i beat rasala on medium, and lost to kanrik. garrr i can only win against them consistently on easy :(

  8. I'm in the Order, and I've hardly battled. So the Thieves and Seekers can slack, too, if they want. ;)


    Actually, I really have barely battled. I'm setting a timer: 15min. battling, 15min. studying. We'll see how many I get done before I get tired.

    lol interesting. i want to battle a lot and get a lot of points, but it's so boring. it's like click click clicking the same thing over and over again.

  9. Sounds like this will be a fairly straightforward battle round, with the winning faction receiving the option of selecting boons. I suppose it's possible there might be some other prizes, but I highly doubt the skirmishes will consist of anything but (probably a few days of) 1-player battling. From a programming perspective, 2-player would be a nightmare to track, I would think, not even to mention the outrage when players start throwing Poison Snowballs every battle to weed out the competition/inflate the cost of curing Hoochie Coochies. TNT would have had to put together a system of selecting pets with similar strengths to make it remotely fair, as well, which would still fail to account for differences in weapon sets and abilities.


    My two big questions: Do we lose the regular challengers in the BD during these skirmishes, and will this all end come Altador Cup sign-ups?

    we'll probably lose the regular challengers in the bd as we did in the first round. no idea about the second question though :o

  10. i joined the seekers again. i thought that battling was going to happen immediately, but i'm glad i can get some last minute training in. i won't be able to get str or def boosts, so i'm going for endurance.

  11. i had been saving up for the neopian book award, but that's going to have to be put on hold now with round two of the war. my bd pet just reached 151 today, so that means 18 hours and 7 codestones :/ thank god for those training cookies. 18 hours was deducted to 10 hours.

    i think prices of codestones will go up again like they did last time, but it won't be as much this time since the second part of the war starts in a week or something.

  12. I still have mixed feelings over all of this. I just think it's a bit odd The Sway won (not that I'm complaining, but how on earth?) and there was really no closure or story to what happened, and it just felt like empty fighting, getting more wins for your side, or whatever. Not much heart was put into it and the prize shop and ending feel a bit lackluster.


    I can't be too disappointed, I have 600k+ prize points to spend, but yeah, I'd have loved to see more story put into it, rather than "The War had ended! Here's your prizes!"

    well the lack of closure is most likely because it hasn't ended yet. if you go to the obelisk, the oracle will show you a countdown of when the truce ends, and when battle (i assume it's battle) resumes - like a round two.

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