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Posts posted by reousteratt

  1. I made a chart on some grid paper with a square for every minute of the day.  I sporadically but methodically refreshed and crossed off times until I found it.  If there were less than 5 minutes between crossed off squares, I crossed the in-betweens off. In the end, I crossed off more than half of all the minutes before I found it. I wish I was that determined about things in my everyday life! Don't give up, you can do it!

  2. Hi! I have been told by my dentist about one genetic factor for increased susceptibility to cavities (of which i am a sufferer) being lower than normal amounts of L-arginine in the saliva. This is a naturally occurring amino acid and some of us unlucky ones may have less of it. Some sensitivity toothpastes have this as an added ingredient. It has the main function of relieving sensitivity by filling the pores in the dentin temporarily, but it's other (unintended) effect is the one that is useful for those of us who are waging a losing war on cavities.  There are a few studies out there if you want the mechanism of how it works, but in short it alters the pH which changes the composition of the biofilm on the teeth to hinder some of the more damaging microorganisms.  I'm not sure if it's appropriate for a 4 year old, but it might be worth a look. Since I've been using it, the decay rate has definitely slowed down.  Anyway, I wish you the best of luck! 

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