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Posts posted by maikofire

  1. No problem WitchArachne ;) I'm not even past the first wave. It's sad. I used to have a fish neopet named Cametia, but I gave her up to get Stealthy_Mai... really dumb move. So since I can't do the war achievements, I want to help other people.

  2. I agree with all of you :) The worst is when you're watching a movie at your house with other people, and someone's like "So-and-so dies at the end." Well someone told me a comeback to that:


    Look at them with no expression, and just say "We ALL die in the end." I've done that once, the other person was really creeped out. :P

  3. What do you mean by gift?


    Oops, I misread that. Did you mean like the thing on neopets? I'm just gonna go delete that comment now.


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  4. [[Rules: Pick a character to be, and act like that character. (If you're Ty Lee, for example, be happy and cheery) But if you're a character that wasn't really on for long, and didn't show personality(Like Jin or Song) act like what you think they would act like; This is kind of chat roleplay, because I am not really good at regular roleplay; You may let your character be able to bend another element, and give them a skill(chi-blocker, Kioshi warrior talent, ninja skills like Mai)because that should make things interesting; Be nice, or try too; State your character before you do anything like so... Jin: *walks around a bit* Hello, there.


    Setting is The Beach, on Ember Island...I am Jin]]




    Jin: *shoots some flames from fingertips, and walks around* Hmmm.... Anyone else here that I know?


  5. How gently and coherently can I say this?


    It really freakin' pisses me off. For several reasons.


    A: A bunch of girls cutting themselves has absolutely no impact on whether Justin Beiber smokes weed or not. So it was a really stupid idea to begin with, and now it's interfering with his life in a completely horrifying and unwarranted way. Sure it wasn't bright of him to smoke pot where it's illegal, but he doesn't deserve this kind of nation-wide guilt trip. There is no possible good outcome for him in this.

    B: This is basically self-harming for attention on a MASSIVE scale, and attention is a terrible terrible reason to self-harm. No reason is good, but attention is the worst.

    C: Cutting can be addicting, and while it's not one of those "one shot and you're messed up for life" type deals, this is introducing a bunch of young girls to an activity that could potentially turn into a habit which could potentially turn into a disorder.

    D: I have friends who deal with cutting, and seeing so many massively publicized instances of cutting is really triggering for them. One celebrity smoking pot is not worth the relapse of thousands of people recovered/recovering from self-harm.

    E: ... Humans are dumb. :sad01_anim:

    Yes. Exactly. It's just so dumb.... The girls that cut themselves for Justin Beiber need help. What they don't realize is that they're not helping Justin, they're just harming themselves. And I agree; I don't give a flying bison about Justin smoking weed. (For you avatar fans, you know what a flying bison is, and how big that is, and that means I could fill that bison with all the care I don't give.)

  6. It's gotta be a mixture of both. I'm really smart myself, so I'd want someone that is as smart as me. But looks do matter a little to me... I mean you don't have to be the prettiest flower in the field, but being attractive helps. If you like someone, you'll think they're the most attractive person in the world to you (at least, that's how it is for me)

  7. First of all I just want to say Bubbleline, I loved your rant there.(Not being sarcastic.) I agree with you.

    And as for favorite characters, I liked Zuko :wub_anim: but my real favorite character was Jin. I don't know if I support Maiko or Zujin though. (even though Maiko is in my username, I like Zujin)



    And in response to you,


    Come to think of it that part really was off, I retract my statement and have seen the light. LTA for me. But neither for funny, that one goes to uncle Iroh.


    "They call this tea? This is just hot leaf juice!"

    I shall say: Uncle, that's what ALL tea is.

  8. I sent the item again today and I got it. Funny that it didn't work for me before but oh well! And I can confirm that it does disappear when you send it.

    It didn't disappear for who I sent it to. They turned around and sent it to my friend. My friend sent it to someone else. Then gave it back to me. I'm going to send it to Qullaso, first. :D

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