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Posts posted by xrainbowxrose

  1. I agree that the prank is really small this year. I've had a busy life and had a short break from Neopets but I came back just to see what they cooked up (okay, and for the avatar) and was a bit disappointed especially since I had to search far and wide to actually find the prank. That said, I would completely buy their "merchandise" if they actually put some out. The Esophagor trash can is a cute idea.

  2. I've been single quite a while now. I honestly have no real interest in being a relationship. I know I'd eventually like to get married and have kids but I enjoy things the way they are too much right now. Trying to find a guy who understands me, wont smother me and actually commit is a lot of work.

  3. Aw, I love gifting!


    My wishlist is very simple. I'm working on training so codestones and faeries are very appreciated. I'm also now working on rubbish so if you have some junk items you're getting rid of then just send them my way. It'll be a very Merry and cheap Christmas gift for me. :P Any cheap stamps or cards are also appreciated because I really don't have any at all.


    Thanks in advance!

  4. Timeout does not seem to work. Because we have tried to left him alone for let say, 2 hours? And he just cries, screams, whines, throws stuff ..... for 2 hours! We thought he could totally make it to 4 - 5 hours so we gave up!


    My advice on that is to only put him in timeout for two minutes at a time. At the end of two hours, he barely remembers what he's in trouble for. Each time he's in trouble, put him in timeout for two minutes. If he gets up, just pause the time and then continue once you put him back. And he's definitely not the only kid who does that! The kids who don't do that are the minority I think!

  5. So people usually have to read books before they can enjoy the movies? I have no intention to pick up those books. It's ....... too thick for my far-sighted & fragile eyes


    I think that a lot of movies that are based on book series are confusing for people who haven't read them. Good recent examples are the Twilight and Harry Potter movies. There's just too much detail to include in the movie and so they can only give you the minimum.

  6. I'm right handed and just have absolutely no strength or coordination in my left hand. I have practiced and done excercises and done everything but my left hand won't cooperate with me. I feel I'm destined to only have one good hand.

  7. Well, yes, we (my family) have tried to be firm with him couppa of times. But we usually give before he does because it seems like there is no way to him to give in. He can whine for hours, cough and hurt his voice terribly. He just simply does not drop it!


    Rose: do you mean to wait until 3 or should not wait until 3?


    Well, when they're 3 they start getting really bad because they're more aware of things and so realize they can start testing your boundaries. At least, that's been my experience with a few kids.


    As for giving in, honestly, that's the worst thing that you can do with kids. They learn that as long as they scream and cry they'll get what they want and so he won't ever really stop screaming. He'll give in eventually but not if he knows that he'll win. Kids have great willpower and so you've gotta just have more!

  8. I love the movies but I can't watch them too regularly. They're good when I wanna marathon a movie but otherwise no. I really love the action in it and probably won't see The Hobbit in theaters just because I never liked the book. I keep meaning to read the LOTR books but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

  9. That's really what two year olds do. Just be firm with him. If you give him something when he cries then he'll learn that he gets what he wants when he cries so don't do it. I'm big on time outs. Make them sit, if they get up then put them back but be firm with it. Don't give up. And just wait until they're 3. Then they really start pushing the limits. ;) I have a little sister and she's five now and much better. The toddler years aren't very fun.

  10. Hi everybody in the forum. I'm Rose, 20 years old. I've been playing Neopets on and off for about 6 years. I normally come back to the same account but this time I decided to really start over fresh and start getting really into the Neopets community. I love Usukis and avatar collecting. I generally play just one game at a time, trying to get either an avatar or a trophy. I'm trying to get into more things on Neopets right now like stamp collecting and... other things.


    I'm excited to be on the forum and can't wait to explore! (:

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