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Midnight Team
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Everything posted by Duskitty

  1. Ouch, that is unfortunate. It's especially worse when you've only just taken it out of your SDB to sell on the TP/Auction house, etc. That's always my worst nightmare when I'm moving something from my SDB, though it hasn't happened to me yet. I agree with what others have said on removing these sorts of REs that can take away tens or hundreds of millions of NP if you're unlucky like this; they did remove REs such as Boochi for a similar reason iirc, as one unlucky RE while your pet was active could instantly remove a multimillion dollar paint job. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't Boochi and similar REs affect exclusive and nigh-unobtainable colours such as Robot or Ice?)
  2. I feel ya. Went to buy stocks today and was unpleasantly surprised by the message that I could only buy stocks trading at 15 NP per share. Here's hoping CC comes around again soon and the donation system isn't completely miserable to use.
  3. I've had the three Ptolymelons maybe 2 or 3 times. Never had three Puntecs though.
  4. Looks like the luck's spreading to all of us here.
  5. It was a position testing a digital document acceptance system at IBM. Kinda uneventful, but it paid well, so I'm happy for that. I feel ya - I was hoping to get back to university this year but with the pandemic going on I'm not sure how that'll work out
  6. Thank you! Life has been alright - I finished a paid internship a month ago and for now I'm just holed up in my room playing Animal Crossing cus of the pandemic. How about you?
  7. Hey, hello again! Hope you're doing well, it's nice to see you back for real.
  8. This was a nice surprise from the Wheel of Knowledge today.
  9. This is really interesting. I'd never known before that you could just be allowed in; I thought you had to just find your 5 minute window like everyone else. Duma, do you get that message every time you visit the pool? Does it allow you unlimited dips?
  10. Besides Angelo's theory, there really isn't much confirmed. I think it's just luck for the most part. I place about 7 wishes per day, 21 NP each (as that's the minimum you can wish in order to win) and I've had about 20 wishes granted since, oh, 2015 or so? I haven't been keeping track. I generally wish for what's most valuable at the time until its price drops and I wish for a new item instead. I can only really place 7 per day because my timezone usually makes it so I can only get into one 12-hour period.
  11. This year's colours are... eh, could be better, but they could also be worse. Biscuit is a nice neutral colour, at least, and I like the little details of chocolate chips stuck in the longer fur. But Glowing? Ehh. And why is its mane missing? I wish they'd previewed the outfit too; dresses are very hit or miss with Xweetoks and I get the feeling this one's a miss.
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