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Midnight Team
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Everything posted by Duskitty

  1. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 2. art 5. ruki 6. nova 9. cogmire 10. thar 11. eye 13. eraser 14. extreme 15. apple Down: 1. fortune 3. two 4. tag 7. acres 8. bite 12. eeeee Who once lived on Umbuku Island? Answer: The Island Mystic Prize: 302 NP
  2. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 3. art 5. bikiwan 7. ham 8. tag 10. verb 12. dua 13. bbq 14. arnold Down: 1. sink 2. arthur 4. two 5. bite 6. nova 9. gabar 11. ball Who was Dr. Death's predecessor in the Neopian Pound? Answer: Ms. Worley Prize: 402 NP
  3. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 2. advent 6. arnold 7. lamp 8. bite 9. bib 11. vampire 13. acres 14. ball Down: 1. red 3. deadleaves 4. tag 5. two 8. bbq 10. airax 12. art What land was once a huge castle in the sky? Answer: Faerieland Prize: 302 NP
  4. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 4. art 7. ruki 8. alton 9. ham 10. petcentral 11. fullhouse 15. advent Down: 1. altalaphus 2. armin 3. nik 5. arthur 6. green 12. lamp 13. undo 14. ant Pride Month was first celebrated on Neopets in what year? Answer: 2021 Prize: 530 NP
  5. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 1. red 4. art 5. extreme 6. ten 8. hefferton 9. one 10. dua 14. fortune Down: 2. drenched 3. bite 4. arms 7. nova 11. undo 13. blue When did Neopians first discover a Hissi? Answer: 2005 Prize: 402 NP and Hissi Birthday Card
  6. I'd really like to see them try and enforce the "no non-Neopets talk whatsoever" rule in the long term. Thoroughly enforcing this rule will require constant around-the-clock moderation, something I highly doubt they have the manpower or time for. The fact that Adam and Donna's accounts have been disabled is really upsetting, though. Is there any further context on why they did that? Were Adam and Donna involved in this decision at all?
  7. Seems like a weird way to protest something. Why devote this much time and Neopoints? What does this even really accomplish? 100 NP, while still a small amount, is actually worth more than most of the junk items you usually find at the money tree. So I don't really understand how this would inconvenience other players?
  8. That's about what I was thinking too... though I did also consider the possibility of an organized group working to create artificial inflation. It wouldn't be difficult, considering how rare P3s are to begin with.
  9. I've had the same issue. I think it's caused by whatever issue occasionally breaks the Altador Plot daily and results in King Altador giving you the "completed plot reward" speech instead of the "daily prize" screen.
  10. What is the reason behind the sudden, drastic inflation in price of just about every P3 on the market right now? Searching the trading post for nearly any P3 (with a few exceptions) shows the asking price has inflated at least a few million from the last known price on item databases like Jellyneo. The Cooty, for example, has gone from 3.3m to 10m. Am I out of the loop on something? Why such a steep price hike in less than a month?
  11. Interesting to see them go with a new look for the Silver xwee! I'm not sure I like it that much though, the effect looks a bit weird. The barista is super cute!! Love the usage of the extended paw to hold the tray with the mugs
  12. Yep - to be sure, I had my boyfriend (who lives with me) try to access the site from his computer. He was also blocked despite not having an account or even having been on the site before, so it was definitely IP related. I've been unblocked now and haven't had any issues since. Hopefully it stays that way.
  13. Good to know they're aware of the issue and are working on it! I've sent in a ticket last night with the same screenshot I posted above, so hopefully they'll get back to me soon. Interesting that they just straight up block your IP. I can at least use Tor browser's encryption feature to bypass the block for the time being.
  14. Looks like it's gotten worse. I was trying to finish my dailies before midnight and now I'm getting this on every pageload: I guess I'm locked out of Neopets for the indeterminable future.
  15. I've been coming across this error for months, even before the password hack, and it's been driving me up the wall. It happens whenever I do anything that'd lead me to a second page with a prize/result etc (e.g Tombola) and the site verification triggers before the page loads. I can't speak for Flash games though, haven't played them in Pale Moon or anything like that.
  16. I finally reached 100k daily interest today!
  17. It's nice to see some long-time forumers are still hanging around! In about four months, my TDNF account will be 10 years old. I feel I've changed drastically from the twelve-year-old who made an account here ten years ago, to the point where listing all the differences could fill an entire book. I'll just note the similarities instead: still obsessed with cats and Xweetoks. Some things never change lol Edit: I just remembered that when I was twelve, I hated the colour pink with every fiber of my being... now liking pink is a major aspect of my personality
  18. That doesn't sound legal. I'm not an expert on US law, but that sounds like her doctors might be attempting to strong-arm her into going along with it without questioning it. I'd strongly recommend that she asks them to provide her with a statement regarding this in writing, and/or get a lawyer ASAP.
  19. That's just awful. They're outlawing (hormonal) contraception as well, even if you've had the device implanted prior to the ban? Can you even be forced to remove an IUD against your will? That sounds like a major bodily violation. At this rate it seems like they want people to be forced into having children no matter what. I just can't understand the thought process behind that. Pregnancy should not be an unavoidable 'punishment'. I'm really sorry for you and your fiance - that sounds like a dreadful situation to be in.
  20. As a non-American I'm quite frankly shocked that less than a dozen people are allowed to make decisions like these, decisions that will affect the lives of millions of people. This is a decision that will result in pregnant people not receiving proper health care, children resented by parents who didn't want them, pregnant people dying in childbirth because of health complications, people forced to seek out unsafe methods of abortion, birth control becoming increasingly difficult if not outright impossible to acquire, impoverished families being unable to properly care for their children, etc. etc. This also sets a major precedent for American citizens' rights. If something like the right to abortion can be so easily overturned, what about other rights, such as gay marriage? Interracial marriage? The right to abortion should be a universal human right, and it's outrageous that the Supreme Court can decide to violate the rights of millions of Americans like this.
  21. A good day for Hissis! I love the gummy worm snake, and the forked tongue wearable is a first. Glad to see the unnamed famous NPCs getting some love too
  22. Darigan is a tad... lacking, but the Roxton outfit is very charming. I can appreciate the hat being separate from the wig.
  23. That one's cute! Some of the simple ones are the cutest, imo. I've always liked the spotted Tuskaninny (grey seal) and Lupe (African wild dog).
  24. Some paintbrush colours for specific Neopets resemble existing real-life animals - such as the rainbow Lenny, which appears to be based on a scarlet macaw: Curious to know, what are some real-life inspired colours that y'all find interesting and/or notable (not well-known, particularly unique, etc)? For me, it'd be the Maraquan Chia, which is based on a 'sea apple' (pseudocolochirus violaceus):
  25. The Candy one is so cute! It reminds me of the older MLP toys. The outfit is stellar, but I wish those star shades were available for other pets to wear lol
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