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Posts posted by mizizzy11

  1. :sad02::sad02: I already missed a day! 

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  2. 4 hours ago, Hanso said:

    Wow! I thought those people were lying, but I just checked my preferences and I now have the Curse of Maraqua site theme! When I redeemed my perk it said I only received the Cyodrake Gaze one.

    Cool! I guess I should have checked which themes I already had before I did it... 

  3. Can I still get a bag if it's Saturday?


    No, they're only available on Halloween day. Sometimes you might get lucky and remember/log on before it's past midnight NST.


    It is accurate and has been in this format for many, many, many years now.


    I'm sure most people can figure out that the trick or treat bags would only be available on Halloween. This isn't the first year they've done this.

    Once you know it's easy, but I think there's a lot of Neopet things that aren't obvious to people who are new or don't play regularly.



    Also, I wish we got to keep the Halloween site theme. I like it more than most of the ones I have.

  4. I love the squid pet pet. I was also kinda disappointed surprised that everyone got the same items, but I'm more glad that for once I didn't miss out on something.



    The snow petpetpet is a toy.


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  5. No offense,but I honestly am against the idea of paperclip trading.

    My reasons are:

    1.You're trying to trade something that is worth 1 np for something that is like worth more than 1 million times its price with no work involved.

    2.There are thousands of people who work hard and save up for their goals while somebody else managed to trade a jelly for a stealthy PB in 5 days.

    3.Its plain unfair.

    There are my reasons,now if you do a paperclip trade I have nothing against you,but honestly I think you should work towards your goals :/

    I think a lot of work still goes into a paperclip trade.

  6. I am heartbroken. That was always my favorite contest and I always hoped that one day I'd be able to participate. D; Not just for the avatar and trophy, but for having the sake of participating and finally being in one of the winning groups even if it would take years of entering. Still can't even get my art published into the Gallery!

    Me too. Most of the ones I've looked at there was just no way I could do or I didn't win :/ and I have no ideas for this one. You'd think they'd give us more of a heads up.

  7. It makes sense they would use the rubbish avatar to get rid of stuff. I'd like to see an avatar for donating a lot though. Maybe make a rarity qualification so people don't just dump junk.

    I like a lot of those ideas though. However, I think they still have a lot of issues *cough, cough, battledome* to fix before they get there.
    I also wish event avatars were a little easier to earn or we knew more about them. I was one of the people that was one part away from fixing the coincidence and hadn't claimed my prizes yet. I lost 100k+ getting some of those items for no reward.

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