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About rojo

  • Birthday January 18

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Interests
    Comics. Food. Music. Neopets, of course. ;>

Previous Fields

  • Neopets Username

rojo's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



About Me

Neopian since the good ol' days! Hi, call me Red (or any other red-related name, for a name by any other red would still be #FF0000) and I like many things, Neopets being one of them. Nice to meet you, maybe we'll catch a game of Key Quest or a cup of borovan.


I like to draw and write but sometimes don't have time for both due to work and school. I work as a medical technician at a busy hospital, so I'm on Neopets (mostly) nightly. I still try to sneak a daily or two or reply to the forums during my breaks!


Feel free to nm me or add me as a neofriend! c:



Red's Neopets Goals

  • Create a comic series for the NT
  • Win some beauty contests, pet spotlights, etc.
  • Collect more avatars!
  • Royal PB for Cuzzipara after painting her almost all different colors for the bowties, lol
  • Island (for the earring! lol) --> Darigan/Halloween for Goldpika
  • Camo for Deul after I get all pet-color related avatars + lab ray avatar
  • Raise bank account
  • ????
  • Profit?

(I'll fill this up later. Right now I cannot brain.)









collecting dandans



donations always welcome and really super "oh my gosh fasjdflkaj" appreciated!

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