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Posts posted by FurorPaxx

  1. I thought I was crazy for a while there. I rarely do anything with the NC Mall, so I brushed it off at first. But then I realized the entire theme for the website was different, which made me look twice at the username.

  2. There was a time when codestones were expensive and battlers wouldn't dream of getting rid of them. Between Battledome rewards and the standard packrat mentality one develops over 15 years of playing this game, I have a ton of normal codestones that my battle pet cannot use, and there's no point training another pet (there isn't, is there?).


    I'm wondering if there's any point to hanging on to them. I don't particularly need to convert them; I have a decent stockpile of red codestones, and they're not very expensive anyway. The SDB doesn't limit the number of items we can hold, so I there's no need to get rid of them either.


    There's just something about seeing so many of them in my SDB that irks me. I also feel this way about Elixirs, Healing Potions and Battle Muffins. Is there any point in keeping them once you get a decent Battledome set?


    What are you guys doing with all the extra codestones you get from the Battledome? Do you hang on to them when your pet graduates to Ninja School? Do you train more than one battle pet? Which, if any, single use healing or attack items do you hang on to?


  3. Cheese: Smoked Snorkle Cheese

    Action: Dive Left

    Times: 74, 87, 77, 69, 66, 67, 60, 78, 81

    Tests: 96/100

    What a bad day for rolling cheese. (Welcome back Bright!) Well, it looks like this combo is further along than I thought. I think my next combo will be Spicy Juppie Cheese - Hold Cheese Steady. I'd like to see at least the single moves for that cheese taken care of.

  4. Boochi was one for me, he shot my pet and hit. He's missed several times thankfully! And also Turmaculus, eating the Feepit I got from the Advent Calendar. Wow, I think that was back in 2006... No way I could've beaten him then I don't believe. Though I tried. Whenever TNT gets around to merging our battle records from the old BD with the new one, I can find out if I managed to beat him eventually or not. lol Otherwise, I had fun going after the Defenders of Neopia opponents. Tekkitu and Commander Garoo were especially tricky for my pet's level back then. ;)

    Boochi. I've heard he's made himself the most hated character in all of Neopia. Now there is an individual who deserves to be cuffed 'round the ears. I've never met him, actually, nor Turmaculus. I hear awful things about them. They sound like scoundrels of the most unsavory variety.


    I literally started my battling career because Boochi zapped my Xweetok into a Baby and I took it out on him via the Battledome.


    I then started getting serious on Battledoming and actually really liked it when the new Battledome came out.

    Yes, I particularly appreciate the art. Our pets are finally taking this seriously and attacking as though they mean to do harm to those villainous fiends who dare spread falsehoods and fear across Neopia.


    For me it's always been The Black Pteri ... he always sits and croaks "Doom To All" ... like , really ?!!

    Hmm. Indeed. That sounds like a threat to me. You're doing us all a favor, really.

  5. Cheese: Smoked Snorkle Cheese

    Action: Dive Left

    Times: 77, 57, 81

    Tests: 42/100

    I feel your pain Mariposa. My luck turns on the opposite end, though.

    Ronaldo... those numbers look about right for Spicy Juppie Cheese. Its a wonder they're even in circulation.

    Hoshi... 5 cheeses out of 18 runs is actually not bad. That and at least one High Score run make me hopeful that the Space Cheese might displace the Quadruple Fudge.

    Nabis... Am I mistaken or are you also averaging about 1 in 3 wins with the brick cheese?

  6. I know some opponents give better prizes than others. I know it helps to fight weak opponents on their highest level to get your np with as little effort as possible. I get it, but some days I don't even bother getting the whole 1500np because its boring.


    This is not a post about that. This is a post about the opponents you battle because they deserve it. They looked at you wrong with their stupid little pixels and someone has to put them in their place.


    For years, that opponent for me was the Flaming Meerca. Back before the new BD, when it was seriously difficult work to get hold of the NP to buy dubloons and codestones, when a level would easily set you back 50k, the Flaming Meerca gave me the proverbial "stink eye."


    Unfortunately, it was WAY stronger than my Fureen. I took my time, leveling him up, trying again, failing again, repeating the cycle as the humiliation grew and festered, taking on a life of its own. After the new Battledome opened, Fureen and I faced our ageless foe again. The air was still, the Meerca's crackling was like static on an old radio... with a flick of its tail, it began its attack.


    Its fall was swift, merciless, and not nearly enough to sate the monster our lust for revenge had become. In our service of science and BD prize data collection, we have bested the Koi Warrior 2801 times in cold blood. We have seen Kauvara fall wounded 1018 times. Yes, even the mighty Duchess has met her end at our Altador Throwing Star 717 times. The Flaming Meerca is no match for us. Its looks mean little. Its time to let go.


    Because I'm pretty sure that those catty Drenched sisters have been spreading rumors that we smell like the Negg Nobody Found Last Year. And you? Whom do you raise arms 'gainst at the drop of every hat?

  7. Cheese: Smoked Snorkle Cheese

    Action: Dive Left

    Times: 62, 71, 83

    Tests: 36/100


    Randomness: I'm in this weird funk where I want to be around people without having to actually interact with them. I think I'm really creeping out my roommate because I keep walking in and out of the living room with my headphones on so we don't have to talk. Its just so quiet today... I need an occasional reminder that I'm not the only person still alive, but I don't want to commit to a 3 hour conversation.

  8. Welcome back everyone!! We have two people who made it on the high scores list this far into the month? Hmmm. Maybe its time to buy some scratchcards...


    There are some disgusting items in the Neopets world, but my stomach hurts when I think about licorice cheese. The Zebie cheese is traumatizing too, in a completely different way. (Definitely NOT vegetarian friendly, unlike both the Brick and Space cheese, which I'm sure are vegan only because there's nothing organic in them)


    Cheese: Smoked Snorkle Cheese

    Action: Dive Left

    Times: 76, 72, 62

    Tests: 27/100

  9. Hello Ronaldo! Welcome to the board, and thanks for the data. Have you seen our current progress? We really need someone to test the Quadruple Fudge Cheese + Dive Right combo if you're interested.


    Oh, Neoquest II... it took me almost 10 years to finish the first. Have you seen the leaderboards for NQ2? Six and a half hours... Unbelievable.


    Cheese: Smoked Snorkle Cheese

    Action: Dive Left

    Times: 61, 60, 70

    Tests: 24/100

  10. Cheese: Smoked Snorkle Cheese

    Action: Dive Left

    Times: 74, 57, 71


    I just realized I hadn't posted since my birthday.... so here I am again. Are we still active?



    I accidentally double posted. (Sorry mods!)


    Cheese: Smoked Snorkle Cheese

    Action: Dive Left

    Times: 86, 64, 80



    Cheese: Smoked Snorkle Cheese

    Action: Dive Left

    Times: 69, 69, 75



    Cheese: Smoked Snorkle Cheese

    Action: Dive Left

    Times: 76, 78, 65

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