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Posts posted by cleomiele

  1. So I'm trying to make a side account right now, and a few weeks ago I went in advance and looked to see if any usernames I wanted weren't already taken, and I had a list of ones that were open that I'd like to use. However, right now when I try to use them on the register page, it says they are taken :/ I logged back into my main to check one more time, and yet no users show up with those names!


    Is there any reason why I wouldn't be able to use a username if no one is currently using it? :( if an account is purged, can the username still not be used for some reason? This is a little frustrating.

  2. Does your significant other not approve of you playing Neopets? Or do they just not want to play themselves? o:


    My boyfriend knows I play neopets, but he just thinks it's funny (in a bemused way, not a jeering way) that that's a way I choose to spend leisure time. I used to halfheartedly encourage him to sign up, too, just to try it, but he simply doesn't have an interest in online games like this...and he doesn't really have much free time to spend on the internet anyway. So at the end of the day, I end up on Neopets, he ends up on Reddit, and we just smile and coexist in our very different corners of the internet. :D

  3. I've been messing around on Dress to Impress today making a customization for a dreamie I never even knew I wanted (a Desert Xweetok?!), but I have one problem: there are too many background choices that I like with the outfit I made!


    Can you guys help me decide which one looks best? :3 if you have any suggestions for other customization items to add, I'd be up for that as well! The outfit is very simple right now, but I love it. So, onto voting for backgrounds. Here is the outfit:



    And here are the backgrounds I'm considering pairing with it:

    Tunnel of Trees Background

    Flower Throne Background

    Charming Summer Garden Background

    Lavender Trellis Background

    Shenkuu Warrior Training Grounds Background

    Spring Path Background

    Pink Peony Field Background

    Misty Shenkuu Background

    Dark Shenkuu Alley Background


    Thank you so much to those kind enough to help me! I'm a very indecisive person so this is driving me crazy :laughingsmiley:

  4. I, personally, liked the old Maps before the update. It worked a lot better. The CEO of Apple even issued an apology and suggested finding other map apps in the app store, lol.




    Wow...it's THAT bad, huh? :laughingsmiley: Kind of glad I haven't updated yet, then...


    I think I might continue to wait a few weeks or a month until some of the kinks are worked out. Then I suppose I'll upgrade...if I can avoid it that long.

  5. I don't have much issue with deflation. It is, however, insane to make an item go from "really hard to get" to "everyone and their mother has at least one."

    I don't know if it's just me that thinks this, but I think TNT needs to deflate/inflate the values of random items from time to time. And not the deflate = "everyone and their mother has one" or inflate = "you have a better chance of getting a royal pet from the lab ray."


    That's exactly what happens though D: Hasees are now worth 10k! THAT seems like too much deflation to me; just a few short weeks ago they were worth ~400k, and even before that, several million NP...like what you're saying, I think if they're going to deflate rare items (such as the Hasee), they should at least make the chance of getting one from the daily relatively slim, like getting a PB from Anchor Management or something.

  6. Not to bring back the coffee conversation again but OH MY GOSH CHAI LATTES ARE SO ADDICTIVE D: I've been getting them at university before my evening classes twice a week, but now I can't stop the temptation to get them even more often! I went to a local ice cream shop yesterday and was planning on getting a cone, but then I saw that they added CHAI SHAKES to the menu! Chai + ice cream = literally impossible to resist

  7. I've been hesitant to download it at all because of the apparent changes to the Maps and Youtube apps, both of which are things that I use frequently. Is the Maps update really that terrible? :( that's the biggest complaint I've heard about iOS 6, I think.

  8. I haven't dressed up in years...I think my university orchestra will be having a Halloween-themed party that night, so I guess that's what I'll be doing :D if I must find a costume, I wouldn't mind being perhaps a generic lady from Star Trek serving on the U.S.S. Enterprise :P


    They've been saying not to trust candy for years, but in my area, parents just check to make sure the candy's packaging isn't injured or punctured in any way. Then we get to enjoy the tasty treats we gathered!

  9. I'm in the "more harm than good" party, but my perspective is from a once-Catholic-but-couldn't-take-any-more view.


    My parents are both Catholic (which is a REALLY important thing in Italian/Italian American culture) so, naturally, I was expected to follow suit. I did the first communion, confession, etc., and I attended church school (some call it bible study) for 8 years as a young child. In my earliest stages of thought, I simply accepted what I was told: God wants you to be a good person and do x, y, and z, and if you do, he loves you! You're awesome! Welcome to heaven! But after a while...it started to not make sense to me. I've always been very pragmatic and logical in my way of thinking, so I started to find it difficult to believe that humans knew of a divine entity that watched everything you did and judged your choices and told you how to act. I ALSO thought it incredibly strange that such large concepts and ideas were being pushed onto such small children, like it was pushed onto me, when they were barely able to think for themselves at all! I think it would be surprising to be able to find an exact percentage or number of how many religious people made the decision to be religious (and stay that way) themselves and how many were indoctrinated as children, before they were capable of critical thinking and making their own evaluations about the world. Ever since that dawning of realization, I have gone farther and farther astray from organized religion as a whole. It simply doesn't work for my type of mentality, and I don't think that's right at all to push such heavy beliefs onto uncomprehending and unsuspecting kids (which is true of any religion, not just Catholicism, I would assume).


    Like hrtbrk said, there's also the issue of how many wars, conflicts, and disputes religion has caused over the years, and how much intolerance it still causes today. HOWEVER, yes, not all religious people are evil, not all of them use their beliefs as a validation for hating others or doing hateful things, etc., but it still happens. I'm also really excited about this thread because I've been looking for a place to use this Neil deGrasse Tyson video I found about religion stunting scientific progress in certain societies!!! YAY!



    It's a bit long, but if you want a synopsis, he's talking about how periods of Enlightenment and major scientific discovery in different societies over the history of the world coincide with periods of secular thought, and that not so surprisingly, those periods end when religion comes back into the picture with full-force. It's really, really interesting. If you have 10 minutes give it a look ;)


    After this long, anti-religious-sentiment-y post, I will of course add the obligatory statement that I believe people should be able to believe in and practice whatever it is they want to practice so long as it does not actively harm others. If more religious people acted in such a way--following their beliefs without pushing it onto others or acting in hateful ways because of it--then I don't think I would be able to say religion causes more bad than good in the first place. It might bring people together and sometimes help encourage people to do good things for others, but quite frequently it just pushes them apart.

  10. Ahh I'm sorry that happened :( how annoying and awful! But, yeah, on the bright side, at least it was the least expensive paint job to recreate...I'm still sorry about that though D: I get all upset just thinking about that happening if I had a fully-customized, awesome pet and it was all destroyed in an instant due to a RE. AH! Good luck building up your paint brush fund again!

  11. The orchestra community is kind of like one big family, and with that being said, I'm already friends with quite a few upperclassmen! I've also joined two music-related organizations that will keep me busy with primarily those people. However, even when I'm with them, it's inevitable that the others will eventually show up, because that's just what happens in the music building...you can't help but see everyone you know xD


    I'm really hoping it's a maturity issue and that soon enough they will grow out of it...I guess I've just always hung out with older, more mentally- and emotionally-matured people and thus I'm surprised at how immature some people my age can actually be. I don't want to be like, "Hey, you're being annoying when you only talk about yourself! Stop that!" but I can't think of a more constructive way to bring that up...plus I am a huge pushover and get scared of doing anything even remotely confrontational :( You're right though, Ashbash, in that you don't have to be friends with everyone...I suppose if this persists and it honestly keeps bothering me, I could just distance myself from them. Ahh I'm just hoping for the best! It's no fun to make friends with someone and THEN realize that they actually don't make you feel that great most of the time :( although I suppose it's not really a real friendship if you're the one doing 95% of the listening and empathizing, is it?


    Thank you all for your replies :D <3 I just got so anxious that I had to vent about this somewhere.

  12. I don't have any tattoos myself, though I've entertained the notion of someday getting one, but I'm completely for people being able to do whatever they want on their skin and body without having to face any sort of discrimination or ill-treatment because of it. It makes me really upset when I hear about friends of mine that are heavily tattooed or pierced having difficulty finding "real" jobs, e.g. not at a fast food restaurant, simply because of their appearance. As if that affects their work ethic or their useful skills or something...It's a little ridiculous that you can't look "professional" if you have a lot of tattoos/piercings.

  13. Have you ever been at a point in your life where you're in the process of making new acquaintances and friends (say with co-workers at a new job, or with your peers at a different university/school) and you realize that you...don't really like most of them after a while?


    I started university about four weeks ago, and since I'm a music major, I've mainly been making friends with people in the same department. As time passes, however, I'm slowly realizing that some of my new friends--the ones I'm talking about are freshmen, like me--are just...annoying. All they talk about is things that pertain to them and them alone; they never ask you how YOUR'E doing or what's going on in YOUR life, it's always just about them; and even when you do share some details to contribute to a conversation or share ideas, they don't really listen or respond to them anyway. I don't want to sound like I'M self-centered or that I should be the main thing in a conversation, but I'm really not exaggerating when I say that the people I'm talking about actually don't talk about anything but themselves! They also seem to be incredibly immature mentally in many ways, such as capacity for emotion, intellectual thought, etc. It's really suffocating after spending so much time around them for the past few weeks, and I just really needed to vent about it to someone, because obviously I can't vent with anyone here.


    Has anyone else been in this situation? What's the best way to deal with it?


    I wish I could just hang out with the upperclassmen, as they actually know how to have a nice conversation and learn things about one another and we can talk about things that aren't inane, but unfortunately I can't simply ignore these people since the music department here is so tightly-knit. I like my new friends, don't get me wrong, but it's just really irritating on a fundamental level when I try to spend time with them because it's just ME ME ME. I like listening to people, but this I cannot deal with every single day. I find myself escaping to be alone more often now just to get some peace of mind!


    (*whew* thank you for listening, to anyone that reads this! In reflecting upon what I just wrote, I now know why all of the upperclassmen I have met here don't suspect me of being a freshman...)

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