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Posts posted by cleomiele

  1. Hi guys! I won a White PB from the Fruit Machine a few days ago and I think the estimated worth is around 2-2.5 mil right now, so I put it on the tp for 2.4 and got Kaylas Chemistry Set as an offer. The only one on the tp with a value attached says it is worth ~3 mil, but on the neo[Removed] it says 99k though there aren't any buyable, so I am a little confused? Does anyone know if this is a good offer or not?


    Thanks for the help! :)

  2. I think I first started playing in late 2000 or 2001, but I agree with basically everything that has already been said! My very first account and several of my sides have been swept for inactivity, and my second-wave account still stands but I can't remember the birthday I used (I can't be the only one that's been "18" since I was 10, right?) which is a shame because I still have a UC Darigan Scorchio there :(


    The biggest differences between my first days of playing Neo and the present are the NC Mall and the customization aspect of the site. I vividly remember the pre-NC Mall 'protests' that went on and reluctantly subsided when we were assured it wouldn't be a huge deal, nor would you HAVE to pay money for anything on the site. However, now they're implementing NC cash into plots and random events (crafting faerie) and such, and it felt sort of funny to me during the Obelisk plot, for example, that you earned the casks from fighting but they could only be opened by purchasing keys. I know we didn't HAVE to buy them but it just really struck a chord with me to show how different the nature of Neopets is in the present day. As for customization, I like some of the clothes and backgrounds, but like others have said I really wish we had the option to use UC art. They've really changed some pets so much that they just aren't appealing to me anymore, or even true to their original design! Grey pets don't look as grey as they used to, Darigan pets don't look as mean as they once did and, in particular, I remember a lot of the Faerie and Maraquan pets had such majestic poses and now they're just...exactly like all the others. That's a pretty petty complaint, I guess, but it'd be nice to just have that option, you know?


    Not having ads was also nice back in the day, and I liked knowing when stores would restock. I feel like the community might have been more open back then; I used to frequent several boards and it was always easy to be a part of the conversation and make new friends, etc. Now it seems like there are more divisions, I guess, and there are a lot more private guilds with a lot of requirements to join...I'm not sure how to describe how it's different but I think that has changed too! Like someone else said, I do think it's a LOT easier to earn NP now, though; I recall it taking literally a couple YEARS for me to make my first million NP (literally! and I played quite frequently!) and now that can be done in a month or two if you really want it to happen. I also remember petpets being SOOO expensive! It blew my mind when I came back after I think 5 years and found that you could buy dozens (if not hundreds) of petpets for 1-100 NP! I think it's easier to get your hands on rare-ish or easy to sell items now too, which is a plus.


    The other thing I think I miss the most about the old neo was the older plots. This Obelisk plot really confused me because I wasn't really sure what was going on outside of skirmish after skirmish, and it took so long for the results to come out that I had already forgotten about it and I'm STILL not really sure what happened...I wasn't totally dedicated to reading updates on the forums or boards or anything, but the old plots just felt more...cohesive, maybe. I loved the comics they used to use that gave you some context if not an entire backstory for the conflict and what you had to defeat or do, and I think that made me feel more invested in them. I feel similarly about site events now; a lot of them just feel like endless clicking to participate and get prizes now, but I don't think it was always that way. I rather miss the classic neohomes too; saving up to live in Faerieland or Maraqua also took a long time! Speaking of which, I miss Faerieland being on a cloud as well :( but of course that's another minor complaint.


    With all that said, nostalgia plays a part in how we remember things as well, so I could be wrong about a lot of this :P still, interesting thread!

  3. I'm in a relationship with someone that I started dating in high school, and we've been together for almost two and a half years now. I don't think I've ever met someone that GETS me the way he does, you know? And vice versa. We're both in college and go to universities in different cities, but I think if you're committed enough to work at and maintain a long-distance relationship that it's definitely possible :) it's not easy but it's worth it!

  4. I have a new acquaintance at university this year that I absolutely can't stand being close to because she ALWAYS smells awful! I feel bad for not enjoying her company for such a shallow reason, but it's overwhelmingly bad :sick01: Like others have said, I'm not sure if she just doesn't notice it or if she doesn't bathe/use deodorant or something, but...man. With that being said, I'm always paranoid about smelling nice now in fear of putting people off in that way :P

  5. Ahh the preview looks great!! I'm excited for the beta testers and for it to finally become accessible to everyone :D I finally got Meuka as a challenger today and was sad when I remembered the BD was down, but now I'm just eager for the future!


    Also, ALERT THE PRESS; people are actually happy about something that TNT is revamping completely! Oh my gosh...

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