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Posts posted by moni_rawr

  1. I'm on the fence about the cookies. It's great that they're FINALLY offering more than Habitarium items, clothing, and Neohome items. But at the same time, I feel as if they've been aiming more and more towards the adult Neopians and the Neopians that have money they can use online. Yes, Neopets was originally started for college students, but they can't forget about the children who play along with us poor adults who can't spare to spend money on things like this.

    I would suggest that they try out items that can be bought with both NC and NPs, but that probably wouldn't work out too well unless they made it an insane amount of NPs.

  2. I just realized that my User lookup has the same issue. Right now, I'm changing the image size of my trophies, and that seems to be making the section larger, but it also messes with the size of the sections above it.

    Maybe changing the trophy image size will work for you.

  3. When the hubby and I moved, we got rid of a lot of toiletries and had to buy completely new things. I went looking for a disposable razor. Turns out, the men's ones were only a third of the price of the women's. So I ended up using some of the hubby's disposable razors instead. They are waaaay better quality. So why do they rip women off on this? And it doesn't matter, because it's the exact same product!


    Also, I use Old Spice deodorant. Also cheaper than women's deodorant, doesn't leave white powder behind, and smells waaaay better. But I brought it to a rehearsal one night to use, and someone needed to borrow deodorant. I offered mine. She--along with the entire dressing room--acted like a woman using men's deodorant was the most disgusting thing they'd ever heard. She tried to back up her disgust with "scientific" knowledge of how the pH factor is balanced differently for men and women, but that is so inaccurate that it's ridiculous. Eventually, she used it, but with her nose wrinkled, and she didn't thank me. She just made fun of me for using men's deodorant. Woman, I saved money AND smell better than you.


    I'll have to agree with you on the razors. I've been using "male" razors for years now, although the one that I use is actually more expensive than some female-based ones. They're similar quality to female razors, but I feel like female razors are more for fine hair than thick hair and I've also noticed less razor burn (I have really sensitive skin) when using male razors.

    As for the deodorant, I know a handful of men that use female deodorant because they say it works better for them, especially when working out and such. I use male deodorant every once in a while when I can't find a good enough female deodorant that works well. Same goes for male body wash...some of the brands are cheaper than female ones and it's nice to smell a "manly" scent every once in a while rather than the flowery/fruity smell of every female product.

    I also buy little boy undershirts, boxers, and shorts because they're BEYOND cheaper than anything in the Junior's section, plus I like wearing basketball shorts for working out and lounging rather than shorts that are almost as short as "hot pants" underwear. It's ridiculous how much clothes cost for females, but then again, society sees us as caring more about what we wear than males do.


    As for the Dr. Pepper 10 commercial, yes, it is a tad sexist, but it's meant to be more of a joke. Not only that, but (as some people have already stated) dieting products tend to be aimed towards females, and so it's Dr. Pepper's way of finally giving men a dieting item of their own, so to speak. The application that blocks females though is a little out of line. Has any female tried opening the application yet?

    There's plenty of commercials that specifically target females...take Nair for example. You never see a male in their commercials using it, but yet there's guys using it anyways. In the case of commercials, it seems as if men don't really tend to care that much who the product is mainly for. Of course, they may not be totally open about using a female product, but they still use it.

  4. While she is his mother, they will look at how well he is doing with you and that taking him out of this stable environment and putting him in an unstable one (although it's with his mother) will end up hurting him. You can also foster until her 4 years is almost up, then adopt him so that there's no chance of her taking him. That way, you have the financial aid and will be able to save up money so that when you do adopt him, you have an emergency fund in case anything happens.

  5. That sounds like quite a situation you have on your hands! Don't stress too much about your sister, she's making her own decisions and is dealing with the consequences of those decisions. And try to think positively about it all, you're taking one of the boys in and that's more than anyone could ask for. With how young the other two are, they will most likely find really good, loving homes. And you never know, maybe the families will be open enough to allow you and your family to still be a part of their lives.

  6. Well that stinks. =/ Maybe you can find a way to rig the cord so that it stays in a certain position so you can charge your computer without having to worry about the cord moving.

  7. Are you sure you bought the correct power cord for your laptop? If you know anyone who has a similar laptop to yours, you can try using the power cord on their laptop to see if it's an issue with the cord. If it is, you can try returning it to where you bought it and explaining to them that it's been giving you issues since you bought it.

    I know what you mean though...I want to buy a new computer so that I have my Macbook and an Alienware laptop that has both Windows and Linux on it, but I always end up using it on random stuff lol.

  8. I saw it on 20/20 I believe, and they had said it's a quite common use in restaurants because it's non-harmful or something. It is not allowed to be used in meat that's sold at grocery stores and stuff though. They had a chef show how the meat glue was used to take random pieces of beef to make a filet mignon, and no one could tell the difference between the real one and the fake one.

  9. No worries, everyone has their own preference on what they like to wear along with what they believe is appropriate to wear in public. :)

    I used to be the same way, until I ended up spending a lot of time in tattoo shops with hardly any clothes on, so now I'm a bit more comfortable wearing swim suits that show off more skin...although I still believe if you wear short shorts, you should wear a t-shirt rather than a spaghetti strap/tube top lol.


    Have you tried looking at the separates they have at Victoria's Secret? I know that some of their tops have decent support and coverage, and they also have the Pink selection if their normal "adult" sizes don't fit. Or if you're a chance taker, you can try making a top yourself so that it fits you perfectly, and you can match them to bottoms you already have/want.

  10. Hmm. Well if you don't have the PRTSC (print screen) button...Hit "Start" (bottom left-hand corner), "All Programs" "Accessories" and see if there's a program called Clipping Tool (may also be called Snipping Tool). I believe it's only on Windows Vista though.

    It's most likely the power jack port going bad since the laptop is a few years old. The port could be broken internally, going bad from age, or need to be re-soldered.

    As for it being a little slow, it's most likely from all the misc/useless memory junk on it...you can try using CC Cleaner or just wiping your laptop and starting fresh.

  11. I have the same issue...the only swimsuits that fit me are the string bikini ones where there's enough fabric to cover the "goodies" but you can tie the strings however tiny you need them.

    Of course, I can easily fit into children's size bottoms, so I end up with an xs junior bottom then find swim shorts (or little boy swim trunks) to go over them because I lack junk in the trunk lol.

    Your best bet would be to find separates that are a solid color so that you can shop from different stores for the top and bottom to ensure that they both fit comfortably.

  12. They actually showed on the news a few weeks ago about how most restaurants are actually using parts of beef that look like beef stew, then using meat glue to glue it all together and have it look like a steak. The parts that they glue together are cheap pieces of meat, so it's even more profit in their pocket.

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