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Posts posted by moni_rawr

  1. I'm sorry that happened to you, I know how hard it is to lose a friend.

    The choice is up to you if you want to allow her back in your life. Maybe talk to her about what happened and how you felt so she knows that she really hurt you when she stopped talking to you.

    As for the drug thing...in my honest opinion, talk to her about it first. Then it's all about a judgement call. Some people end up diving more into drugs when their loved ones find out and try to help them stop, but others finally have the reality check that they need and stop. Age is also a factor of course, because if she's under the age of 18, then I would tell her parents because than they could put her in rehab. But if she's an adult, the only way for her to go into rehab would be to check herself in, or if she happened to do something illegal and end up in jail where they will give her the help she needs to kick the drugs.

    I had a friend who was doing drugs, and when her parents found out, they forced her into rehab (she was under 18). She ended up relapsing, and it was just a constant circle of her going to rehab and going back to her old lifestyle. She felt invincible and hated the fact that someone had told her parents about her drug use, so it pushed her more into it...although she would have times where she wanted to quit because she would hit rock bottom. She was only on drugs for a few years before she took her own life. I had cut off contact with her when I had moved because I couldn't handle the drama of her and the drugs, and also because I'm a recovering drug addict (5 years clean this year!). Less than a few weeks before she took her own life, she had ended up contacting me and things seemed to be finally going in the right direction, she was clean for a month and was starting to put her life back together. But she ended up having a bad day and went back to drugs and took too much.

    While with me, my parents never had stone cold facts of me doing drugs, although they had their suspicions. I did not openly tell them that I did drugs until I had been clean for a few months...I was thankful enough to have a reality check and finally saw what I was doing to myself and knew that if I continued, I wouldn't have reached my 21st birthday. And I know that if my parents had found out what I was doing, it would have pushed me farther away from them and into my own little drug-induced world.

  2. The items most likely stay in the system but they just take them off of the shelf so users don't pull their hair out from seeing them every time they go into the shop. I remember seeing in the Editorial I believe that there's a certain amount of every item allowed in Neo. So for every item you discard or poofs, a new one appears somewhere else.

  3. The only thing that will change is the day, and perhaps less people to overpopulate the Earth due to those people believing the hype and doing mass suicides (as said before). Of course, if you look at how much hype y2k had and the very little disturbances that happened, chances are people are going to freak out, but not really do anything.


    Yes, the poles are actually shifting. The tsunami/earthquake that hit Japan pushed the poles a decent amount and made more people aware of the fact that the poles are shifting. We can't expect Earth to stay exactly the same for all eternity...that's like expecting a person to never die or grow old.

  4. What a lot of people don't know is that yes, the calendar is ending, but the Mayans made several calendars, and another one is supposed to start after this one ends. The end of this calendar symbolizes a change...from what I remember from the show I was watching is that with the next calendar, the poles are switching, not drastically of course, but slowly over time.

  5. I'm hoping to start a summer course, just need to find out why I'm being charged out of state tuition when I live here lol.

    Thankfully, I only work about 2 days a week, but I'm also looking for another job, so don't know when/if I'll be starting one, but hopefully I'll still have enough time for the AC.

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