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Posts posted by tk421beth

  1. Hi everyone out there in Neopet land!


    Can anyone help me with this? your help is most appreciated!



    With a bang, a Dark Faerie appears. "Get me Kacheek Toy Drum. Don't ask questions and maybe I won't turn you into a Blechy."

  2. I am wondering what this means...the Drenched are available? What does this mean? What does it/they do?


    Please help, thank you. I feel stupid asking this, but I figure this is the *best* place to ask!

  3. I LOVE Neopets, and believe me, I get made fun of...even from my 12 year old son (he plays Minecraft, so I make fun of him, haha!)...


    My current goals are to obtain a Gourmet Food trophy (FEH! That will take me a zillion years!), trophies (another zillion years) and avatars...I'm VERY slow at achieving my goals, but that's okay! I'll get there some day! I just wish I had achieved them back when I was a new NP player.


    I do so LOVE playing the games and the dailies! It's so relaxing to me, playing the games. I often have NP up at work (shhh!), and play games that aren't timed during work, so I can relax and de-stress.


    I also receive a LOT of help from the people here on here! Thanks!!

  4. I do my dailies, eat rare foods (I have a L-O-N-G way to go to get my trophy), read books (another trophy that will take forever to obtain, haha!), play some of the wheels, train to get high battle stats and I love playing Spinacles, Destruct-)-Match, Roodoku and Kou-Jong. I need NP's to get the rare foods/books that I need.


    I update my shop with stuff...and been thinking about emptying out my SDB so I can get more NP for rare foods.

  5. Well, this was interesting to read. I could be your mother, you young whipper-snappers! I'm 45...I've been playing since I was 37. :whaa:


    I feel crazy posting this, because I'm soooo old! This is why I'm not on here that much, which work, hubby and our 12 year old son...and the both of them make total fun of me, playing Neopets!


    You are like babies to me! <3

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