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Posts posted by domsim

  1. hello there ^^, nice to meet you

    allrighty, i never draw blumaroo before so i might draw yours soon

    who knows?



    Nice to meet you too :) And there's something about Blumaroo's I swear, they seemed to be neglected for some reason, despite being very adorable! Or am I the only one that thinks that? They're even quite low down on the 'most popular neopets' page :( poor little things!

  2. I used to just go every day once a day, but I never got it that way. All you have to do is find the link for the haiku, so My link


    And then command click. Alot. Or ctrl click I think if your not a Mac user. So you end up with the haiku open in like 20 different tabs. And you don't have to check every window, once they've loaded just close them and check your neoboard preferences to see if you got the avatar. This way is much faster and easier than just sitting on a page hitting refresh. Took me about 2 minutes this way :)


    Also it may sounds stupid but check that you haven't gotten it, it may have appeared at the bottom and you didn't notice it, this happened with the wheel of misfortune for me :S soo much wasted money...

    Anyway, good luck!

  3. I really love this increased random event thing they've got going! On my side I got a jubjub cocktail...or something like that worth 4000 and then as I hit inventory to put it in my SDB, I got a secret lab map piece!! The one worth about 90k. Newbie luck (just created my side) + neopets birthday = massive win :)

  4. Ok soo you're probably pretty busy with requests...but I really love your drawings and would love to have one made :) Totally fine if you can't do it or can't get around to it for ages! I'll still be here... :P

    Soo..I would really love a green blumaroo with a top hat and suit and cane, like a really classy looking bloomaroo :) no writing or anything else needed really.


  5. Haha yes, I spent my early years on Neopets using this forum for all my neopet questions and never signed up, and I just started playing again 2 months ago..and thought I should join. But yes...welcome!! It's so much better being a member because you don't have to just hope that someone has already asked the question, you can just ask yourself. Not to mention everything else you can do :)

    Plus there's some great people on here, who I'm sure will be welcoming you very soon!


    Edit: haha you were welcomed by someone else even before I had the time to hit post! :P

  6. I'm going to hold on to mine and sell them before Halloween next year I think, I've heard that's when Halloween goodies sell at their highest :) And they'll become more rare because people will open them :) That said a lot of people say to not hoard things because the price can drop, or rise and you're better off just selling everything as soon as you get it but up to you I guess!

  7. Ughh this doesn't sound too good :(

    Do you know how the account was broken in to? As the way to get into an account is generally through a scam (hackers tend not to be too interested in neopets as hacking is much more difficult and if they did would only go for really high profile accounts). This could be the get rich quick kind of scam (give me your username and password and you will become a neomillionaire!) or the other way is through cookie-grabbers, however this is usually done through clicking on a -how to win a zillion neopoint- type links. I think this is the main reason that TNT don't unfreeze accounts, because they assume you were doing this. If you can think of how they got in (and it's not one of the above ways) tell them that, and try and prove it.


    This is TNT's answer to your question by the way: http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&week=384 (look at the bottom question).


    I would definitely try sending in another ticket, but doesn't sound too positive :( this sort of things seems to happen a lot more often than it should. Hopefully you'll have some luck! I live in fear of this happening... :(

  8. They're worth about 22k according to the shop wizard so I'd probably hold out for a better deal, or you could just put it in your shop and price it around 21k and it should sell :)

    Also, since it's a stamp which people will put in their albums and therefore not be able to sell anymore..the price should go up :) Although don't bank on it...

  9. The second one?


    Well, each egg can only break once, right? :P


    Ahhh I see. So my guess would fail then. Now I understand Tynach's idea a bit better and that sounds pretty good! So if that's not the right answer, @tintytiny is the answer something that has nothing to do with maths and we will all go d'oh when you say it or is the answer some sort of complicated maths? If so, I have no chance :P

  10. Hrmm thought I might join in and have a guess, although this sounds complicated :S


    What if you dropped it from


    level 50

    doesn't break, drop from level 75 (then if it breaks at 75 drop it from 67 or 68 and if it doesn't break drop it from level 87 or 88)

    break drop from level 25 (if it breaks then drop it at 37/38 and if it doesn't, from 12/13)


    And then just keep halving the possibilities.

    Although I don't know how the second egg would come in handy :S


    And I'm not actually sure what the minimum would be then...somewhere around 10?? I can try work it out if that's on the right track...

  11. !!!!!! :woot: its soooo cute!! i love it :) as you can probably tell by me putting it in my signature :P but i wouldnt say it's too dark or anything, i like it how it is :) thankyou so so much!!! I want to keep this one so no need for another one really! That said if you make other ones I could always just switch between them :P But I'm sure there's got to be someone else out there wanting one :) Also I wanted to put a little note just saying by April, ooh maybe that's what you could do, make up your own little tag sort of thing to chuck in the corner! But otherwise I'll just put in a little note, would you prefer April, your neopet username or something else?

    Thanks again! :)

  12. Ahh second day of using the lab ray (i got a level reset the first day) and my jubjub is now strawberry!!! Which is my favourite sort of jubjub, only annoying thing is that i was going to use that pet to try to get avvies (like a coconut jubjub) but now he's turned into my dream pet! Perhaps I should just adopt another pet to be my lab rat...

  13. Well you can certainly still buy neopets plushies at online toystores and there's also companies who sell through ebay (if you buy them off someone they generally don't have the key code) but would that count to unlock the space faerie? Hope so, because I really want those plushies anyway, they're soo cute!!! So annoying, they've never really had any neopets merchandise over here in Aus :(

  14. Wow!!! They're great! They look really professional :) I wouldn't even know where to start :S I'm so terrible with computers :(

    but if you're bored i'd love a siggy :P except I know so little about them that I have no idea what detail you need or what is possible so I'll try answer your questions... sizewise umm about the same as the cute kittens one, maybe a bit smaller? no preferred picture or number of pictures but something neopet themed maybe? I love plushies if that helps! And all the cute neopets like kacheek, blumaroo, poogle, scorchio, jub jub etc...colour wise no preference really, if it's cute then something light maybe pale blueish? and if it's less cute and more...I dno darker?? Then something like a deep blue? And no writing needed, and only an avvie if you want! As goes with the siggy, only if you have time :)

    I was probably pretty unhelpful there! But the ones you've done are fabulous :)


  15. Lady Kakata I just looked at your gallery, it's amazing!!! Ahh I wish I had enough creativeness/neopoints to do something like that!!! I can't decide on a theme for mine, whatever I choose though it'll take me a while as I've still got my eye on a few other things (lab map...paintbrushes...the usual) but I started a plushie collection because they are just so adorable but it's been done so many times before and it's such a mammoth task to collect them all! So I was trying to think of anything that would incorporate a fair few plushies but maybe some other items as well...any ideas? I really like 'dark' sort of items, like shadow plushies and such... hrrrrmmm....


    Oh also, Angelo I have a couple of shiny obsidians I'd be happy to clear out of my overflowing SDB for you! But I don't know how to give them to someone without the TP...how do you just send someone items :* ??

  16. Hey there! On my quest for avatars, game avatars are near the end of my 'to do' list. So I read your post about 1hr ago and had never played Attack of the Slorgs, so I admit I'm not going to be that much help. But after 45min of playing, and 15min of internet searching I can tell you that


    a) I can sympathise (already!)!! Those slorgs are pretty frustrating, especially since one game takes such a long time...

    b) dw youre not the only one having trouble, only 11% of TDN members have the avatar :)

    c) type the word 'marrow' and you will get an extra life

    d) if a frog pops up, shoot it and you'll get an extra 25 points

    e) you can shoot off unwanted colours; as in if your shooter thing wants to shoot a brown slorg, and you don't want a brown slorg you can just aim the shooter off screen and shoot it away - this can help when youre shooting into that horrible vertical line and you don't even want the colour


    and I've read (on the TDN guide: http://www.thedailyneopets.com/neopets-games/attack-of-the-slorgs/) that:

    f) typing in chargex4 will 'repair' the laser (when you lose your aiming thingo)

    -this should help with your aim problem, as I assume the main problem is that you don't have that line to help? Otherwise maybe ultimate bullseye would be good practice? Much less frustrating :\


    So, you probably knew at least half of that considering I am the noob here...but just thought I'd help out with my learnings of the past hour :P

  17. If the above don't work, go back to every stage (such as finding the constellation, speaking to the janitor or whatever you need for the constellation you are on) and make sure you hit ok (or return to altador etc) or else it won't register that you did that step at all. Drove me slightly mad until I realised I had to do that...

    Good luck!

  18. HI, so I'm new to the battledome and decided to leap straight in and have a fight. So I battled against inflatable balthazar and won so I tried my luck with Mr Chuckles, who knocked out my poor Scorchio :( And I thought oh no! I'm going to have a 50% BD stat (as in the one you find on your user lookup). Then I battled inflatable balthazar again and to my surprise it went to 66% when I won. So really...does it not matter how many times you lose because you could just battle inflatable balthazar 100 times to get you stats back up?? Also is there any way of clearing a loss? As in if I beat Mr Chuckles will that be recorded as one win and one loss or?

    Sorry for being such a noob!!!

  19. Ugh that would be frustrating :\ But I'm not having that issue (not that I can get to the hard level anyway :|). So I can get straight into medium and I'm using safari and haven't gotten any special add-ons other than whatever it comes with. I also use firefox on occasion and haven't had any issues there.

    Hope that helped!

  20. Ahh the worst part of the plot I think. I went through every possible combination and nothing happened. So I did it again, and nothing happened. Then I found out about the refreshing thing (not an auto refresher) but the way which Sweetdang mentioned above. Follow that method because I did and just as my hope was fading hurrah! It worked, and really it took only about five minutes. All you have to do is open up those tabs and refresh randomly on all of them. Reminder: do not auto refresh!! Just doing it manually is still quick (and this isn't against Neopet rules...I hope :S)


    Good luck!!

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