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Status Updates posted by Jacky

  1. 2 more days! :D

  2. wow, your hair looks pretty cool like that! :D I had it purple and blue when I was about 20 or so. :)

    1. Saxen


      Thanks hun :D I bet that looked awesome on you! I used to have it pink and blue a couple of years ago :)

  3. YAY! Leve; 50, finally!!! That purple meter looks so awesomely good! LOL

    1. Saxen


      Congrats! :D

    2. Angeló


      bravaaaaa *applauds*

  4. I have a bad case of dying p3's XD

  5. level 49........ 1 more!!!

  6. *waves* ^_^

    1. Angeló


      hello sai Jackie :)

  7. habi is up into level 48... almost there!!! :D

  8. Working on habi.... Halfway through level 44. 5 1/2 more levels. Why does this go so slow, I want moniez! LOL

  9. I JUST GOT LENT BGC!!!!!! *bouncy*

    1. hrtbrk


      JELLY! Congrats on the lend :D

    2. Jacky


      Thank you! ^^

  10. Hun, check your Neo account. I finaly got my hands on your Christmas gift! Better late than never, right?? ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jacky


      You are very welcome hun. ^^ I wanted a special gift for you, and it looks like I succeeded in that. ;) It looks beautiful on your Peopha! ♥ *hugs*


    3. Angeló


      a friend mentioned that Peopha has an air of romance to her , and after i installed the background i realized she was right ..

    4. Jacky


      She does! Especially with Igneot's fire flower thingy. It suits her perfectly. :D

  11. Having a hard time with this new layout. I feel like an idiot. XD

    1. Angeló


      me too and you have to click on the Status to comment on it ! >_<

    2. khaos


      Clicking on a status to comment bugs me ._.'

    3. Jacky


      And I didn't even see I had responses until I went to my profile..... DX


  12. LOL Salsa? I wish! Me dancing is like I'm having a heart attack or something. :P But at least I tried, right? :P

  13. *does a little dance on your lookup*

    Whatsup? :)

  14. AAARGH!!! Working on the NQ1 avatar, and I was fighting Archie Roo, and got him down to 20 and I was 50. Darn thing drained all my life and now I need to get all my healing potions back AND fight him all over again..... *sigh*

    1. Jacky


      and got the avvie :D


  15. bleh.... I hate being sick. :(

  16. *pokes* Check the newest addition to my neo account. :D

  17. Hiya big brother! *waves* How are you? :)

  18. you are very welcome! ^_^ *hugs back* So did you have a fun birthday? :)

  19. I don't have cake, but I sent you some goodies on Neo yesterday :D

  20. Happy birthday SEAP!!! Hope you have a great one :)

  21. I'm fine. :) My Thanksgiving was fun, spent it with a lot of friends. No Black Friday for me, too many people punching other people in the face or running around with pepper spray. XD I don't get it anyway, they give you the same discounts online so why go to the store anyway? :P

  22. Hey there big bro! What's up? :D

  23. happy birthday Kaylan! :D

  24. Just saw "The curious case of Benjamin Button". Very impressive. I love how it is so gloomy and Burtonesque. ♥

    1. Angeló


      one of my favorite movies ever :)

    2. Jacky


      And it gets even scarier... LOL


      I guess you either love or hate movies like this. I know a lot of people that didn't like it. I am a total Tim Burton addict and this reminded me so much of the atmosphere in Edward Scissorhands and Sweeney Todd that I just fell in love with it. ^^, I think it is very much like Big Fish, too, by the way. Another one of those movies you either love or hate.

    3. Angeló


      I have an active imagination and i could totally relate to movies like that - I thoroughly enjoyed Big Fish as well .. :)

  25. WOW, when I just got home, I litterally RAN to the laptop, and went to check the BC.... PHOOCA GOT GOLD ON SPECIES! *celebrates* I feel like a little kid again... LOL

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