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Jess Is Somewhere Else

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Posts posted by Jess Is Somewhere Else

  1. I wanted a male pet. So I abandoned Usulinda_Mindy (sorry, it was the least appealing name), and looked in the pound for a male usul. And I found:



    His name's Malfeito_Feito. He wasn't fressed like that when I got him (obviously), but I've made him look good.


    Here are my other pets.



  2. Jəss Jεss


    What I'm considereing changing my name to on the other forum is characters from the map are allowed. Or on here, since it appears they are here.

  3. All you have to do is say what the good or bad news is, depending on if the last person said good or bad. If you have seen it on another forum, you will know how it's played.


    I'll start with the bad news, which is, THE OTHER FORUM IS DOWN AGAIN!!! D:<

  4. it was up briefly, some poeple on NC managed to update their lists, but its back down again.


    thanks for the info about it being hacked, everyone on NC said it was an arguement with their server provider, but i'm guessing no-one dares mention the word hacked.


    What is NC?(It's obviously not NeoCash) I was talking about another site that did come back but is down again. :(

  5. I finally got the last map piece I needed. I didn't let myself buy them from shops, just get them from the daily.


    So, my first time and I got 2000Np. Better than nothing, so I'm happy about that! :)




    And today I got nothing. :(

  6. The old topic is too old for me to post in and I wanted to tell you about this, so I started a new one.


    I landed RIGHT NEXT TO the NC Icon. Wouldn't be the first time, but those times I mostly got nothing. At least this time I got some sort of food or something.

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