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Jess Is Somewhere Else

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Posts posted by Jess Is Somewhere Else

  1. I just don't get to go out often because I don;t have anywhere to go and my parents worry about me, which makes me jealous of other people who go out lots. And I don't like sharing my room with my 8 year old sister.

  2. I got the idea for my current name a while ago, because of it being near the end of winter, and I'm longing for leaves to start growing on the trees very soon. I would change my name to just Jess next time, if it wasn't taken already! I bet it's by someone who doesn't even come on here anymore.

  3. Mine aren't very random. I normally get an idea for what I'm going to change it to naext, then wait until it's time. I think I can change it next week on Thursady. Or maybe it's the week after. I don't know.

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