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Jess Is Somewhere Else

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Posts posted by Jess Is Somewhere Else

  1. Hey, I'm new as well. On another forum website, I like to welcome people, so I'll do it here too.


    Oh, and can I just say, you have a great taste in music! Although I don't listen to most if those bands you said, I've seen them on the TV and they seem great. I like ROCK MUSIC by bands you've proably never heard of.

  2. Well I want to have children when I'm older, but I want to be a famous musician as well. I don't like it when in the old days if women were indipendant they weren't married, and if you were't married it meant you didn't or shouldn't have had children. But my Stepdad has no job, but he does the shopping online and stuff. He's always gettng me, my brother, and my sister to do jobs after eating. I have to wash everything, and my brother dries them, but sometimes he makes me dry them as well.

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