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Posts posted by aethenlynden

  1. that's so childish, just because you want to give people a nice deal doesn't mean you're trying to annoy them, just report them -_-

    i find the neopian economic weird, 25 mil for a BAG?!?!?!



    I know, its a weapon of some form , thats about all I know - don't even know if its multiple or single use and once I sell these things I will keep my promise to you :)

  2. ooooh, well... i should advertise on the boards, here, and just wait for offers...

    i guess the price is not very reliable, with just 1 price listed



    I'll advertise here and stick it for 5mil lower than the other guy, then see what happens - had someone send me a rude email once for undercutting his prices

  3. well, the only LISTED price on the TP is 25 mil, even JN hasn't got a price listen... JN item database




    and thnx for the compliment


    errrm I have one in SDB


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  4. yeah, i get more requests now, because people credit me ^^

    and i'm learning how to master photoshop, getting better already, so i'm happy :D

    but you're right, if i do not spend, and if i just keep earning very little bits, i'll evantually have got enough ^^



    It is a very nice siggy -


    Now it I could get rid or the green knight shield and darrigan skeith tail guard I would be set.

    wait are tikibomb bags really worth 25mil?

  5. You could always do both. :whistle: Paint the one you like least first, to get the clothes, then fight the scientist to change gender, then paint again. It'd cost only (I have so many high priced goals, I apparently can add "only" to this sentence.) 3,395,000 if you got them on the discount days at the Hidden Tower.


    not a bad idea, my goal at one time was to collect all Usuki's - got one of the most expensive (space usuki) now trying to sell it, so far thats fallen flat on its face

  6. Which do you like better? If you ended up with the opposite gender, you could always fight the lab ray scientist to get it changed before you paint.


    Hmmm leaning towards boy .... but the wig an tail rings on the girl are hard to pass up, Ohhh key quest likes me today it just gave me two frozen neggs, a code stone and swirly negg on a gold key

  7. Royal Draiks are nice. :D Will it be Royal Boy or Girl?


    I painted Aitvara Royal Girl after she received a visit from Boochi while painted Christmas.


    hopefully a girl but I'm not going to complain if its a boy

  8. What color are you planning for your next one?


    I don't know if I will be getting another Draik anytime soon. I had originally planned on having 3: Faerie, Maraquan, and Chocolate. But I changed my mind about Faerie and painted Aitvara Water. (Using my FFQ because I changed my mind about Chocolate.) So now, I don't know. I would like to get a Wraith Draik someday.



    I'm thinking royal, now my biggest issue is someone asking for the price on the trident of Poseidon - don't know what to do - this person is a collector, I know that much but I'm afraid of asking too much or too little...


    edited: have found a price of 4mil on Jellyneo price history but thats over a year old so not sure how trustworthy it is

  9. Wow. That was really generous. I had talked about doing that when the Abandoned Attic opened. If I could get a Draik Egg, after I hatched my first one (this was before Aitvara) I would have sold any others to my friends that wanted Draiks for a super low price like that.


    same here, still working towards another egg, I wish the Shore would stop giving me chests - I want to open them.

  10. That is a very good price spritzi and the Pirates do look very cool, now have to decide if I save and morph an other of my darlings or transfere to my side account.

    why is selling retired items so hard I just want to get rid of an Ukibiberry bag..

  11. I don't really use the boards, and I only Neomail people who have Neomailed me (usually people who are asking for game tips and how to get more trophies) since before I was frozen, I'd just hit 69 game trophies. And I haven't done either of those in the past two weeks or so. I guess I'll send a ticket in, but it's weird, I'm just more disappointed than anything.


    I know your pain, I still miss my old main - and they haven't responded to me yet.


    I'll probably left in the pile of unawnswered tickets..


    good luck to you, I hope you do get your account back

  12. Before I say what I'm going to say, let me say (ahahah) two things first:


    1. Alamtakari is. Amazing. A perfect cuztomization for a perfect pet! You must love her to bits. :yes:

    2. ... you shock and stun me with you genrousity. I mean, honestly, I'm not spritzie, it wasn't me that you gave that gorgeous wig to. BUT I FEEL SO HAPPY JUST KNOWING THAT PEOPLE LIKE YOU EXIST. Yea, it sounds really weird, but I can imagine how excited Spritzie is, and um, for the record? You're awesome. :yes:


    That aside, you are a coolbean. Psh, you're not cracked, you're just, err, SPECIAL AND UNQIUE. Beyond ways they will ever see. :D


    Okay now I will talk about Neocash heh. In reality, I was going to say something like "That wig is gorgeous! Spritzie, you have to add it!" And thennnn I saw the price and I was :mellow: . Then I was going to go 'Errr, but 250NC is a steep price, even if it's a collectors item. :worried: ' And then you gifted it to her and I was :whaa: I was actually lucky enough to be about when NC first came out, so I got the free NC cash thing. :yes: Other than that, though, I've never gotten anything NC based. :/ But it doesn't really matter to me (at current!) because customization isn't really a huge prority for me.


    Until I get my draik, that is. Then it'll be a whole different story. :D


    I do like going to the mall and using the preview to dress my babies, though. They have misersable customization because I cxan barely afford NP based items, forget about the NC! It sucks when you don't have NC because you can't afford it. Meh :/


    Depressing things aside, I LOVE STOCKS. I am, at current...oh, you know, about 1/18 on my way to a draik. :P But it's still a progression! :yes:


    Thanks ( tries to be humle but can't stop grinning) I'm glad that the stock are working for you, they really don't like me but that might be because I dissapeared for a while.. go work for the dairks they are such lovely creatures **Ignore the preening grey draik in the back ground**

  13. The estimated cost on the Battlepedia page http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/index.php/weapon/viewweap/2441/ says 225k to 375k but I have no idea how they got that number, as I can not find any for sale currently either.



    I think I might have paid something like that for it, that must have been atleast 8 years ago so my memory is a little iffy on it.


    but I haven't seen any around for a while, goes to show what happens when you finally look at your pets weapons..

  14. No black? I .. I love black :mellow: My whole closet is black <3


    I have some black in my wardrobe, trousers, skirts - a black dress with a silver ruffles.


    and Alamtakari is very happy with the compliments

  15. You have a lime green pin striped :woot: That is so cool! I think I may be jealous of your awesomeness.


    I know I love the quirky suits - so many drap grey and black ones about I decided to have my fun.


    plus the fashion, tunic are *wobbles hand* eh and everything is short and getting shorter, then they want you to pay more for it?


    doesn't make too much sense to me anyway off to work now


    tata all

  16. I would love to customise my pets with NC, but my parents told me I cannot buy stuff for such a CHILDISH game...

    so I ran away, slammed with the door and went to twitter, itunes, facebook, dailies and of course the TDNF :whistle:


    Most people who know me have come to the conclusion that I am cracked, they don't comment on my gaming, music or fashion habits (this is the buxom lady that turns up to work in multi coloured suits, Lime green pinstripe today) - the only one my CEO has banned me from wearing is the black and rainbow suit


    Besides your pets are very very pretty - hard to customize (have tried), can't see anything that fits them just right yet. who know maybe by Christmas

  17. I might wait, I don't know. I have 400 NC left right now, and I think it would be really cute since I don't change her customization much anymore.


    um de dee check your event box, pretty things appear when I lurk online

  18. I'm looking for peoples opinions on this.


    Banter passes between people, when it escalates to insults PC likes to step in.


    a short escalating argument that disturbed my staff recently.

    PersonA: Is from the islands, she took exception to being given a suggestion by a Brit even though this person is her equal, if not her superior and comes out with an offensive racial slur, telling her to go back to her own country and ruin it.

    PersonB: replies with a similar slur and that she has to go back, PersonA should also go back to her own country.


    PersonA: plays the race card to management, how unfair it is she was being insulted for her race - she omits that she pulled the first slur.

    PersonB: has been give a disciplinary and file note, PersonA doesn't get discipliner over this incident.


    Sadly because this was not my department, I didn't have a much of a say. if it had been within my own department both would have received a warning and PersonA would have been received an additional file note for provocation.


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  19. I take the add as more of a joke its open unlike other ad that are subtler, yes it could be considered sexist and someone will take offence at it, someone always takes offence.



    Informercials (yes I know this from the marketing team at work and from focus groups) always enforce body image and target you based on gender to get you to buy the items.

    how often have you seen an add for a blender/jucier - it will almost always be a woman presenting it, with maybe two men in the group and those men will either be considered health conscious or simple family guys.

    Next time you see an add for a cleaning product, spray and wipe, Mr Muscle and look at who are using the items.


    anyway that's my little rant thing, don't take advertising too serious unless your going to complain about every single add.

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