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Posts posted by aethenlynden

  1. phew, i already thought: what if she already has got this one?!?!?!

    almost freaked out XD

    but i'm glad you like it :)

    it feels good to give something back :D


    Yeah good feeling all around now if only I can get that flaming evil coconut I will be set, I think the golden and horned are in the bag... just hoping the trades go okay..

  2. yeah, i really owe you two ♥♥♥ thanks SOOOO much, i hope you saw the trade post link for the gift i wanna send you back :D


    @aethenlynden: got your one, there's a mote for your gallery :D



    ajhh thanks thats the one I need - I have all the rest just never got round to this one... hehehe soon to be complete, not to get the rest of the evil coconuts collection done

  3. Hi


    IrishLiz he's is a lovely draik and the name is gorgeous, you guys are so lucky in all my years of playing I've never had a fountain faerie quest but I guess I shouldn't complain as I do have a lot of PB in my box.


    oh that reminds me Alynniae are you still after a Faerie PB, i do have a spare

  4. @aethenlynden: well, guess your karma-luck is going on and on ;)

    but that's very odd, whatcha going to do with the money? i don't think there's a rule for this :/



    Well I decided to paint Dnaru camo, Lupes look awesome in camo


    edit:: Merry Christmas everyone, it is now Christmas day for us in NZ and I'm just briefly putting this up while everyone else is still asleep

  5. Wembly, that's adorable! I didn't realize that's what that item was. (I had to try it out with Silver too.)


    Aethenlynden, if you haven't already changed your password and everything, do that first. Then, if you're comfortable with fact that your account is now secure, I guess you could pass on reporting it. I'm not sure though, with you having someone else's pet (If it wasn't adopted). I'd worry they'd try to report you for having him.


    If you decide to report it, make sure you make note of all the info for your account, so you can get it back easily.



    Changing the password was the first thing I did, it came up with a notice about not being able to transfer a pet to there a couple of days ago but I thought it was under 4 months and not anything else.. it didn't occur to be that it might have been hacked.


    I think I will leave it, if someone contacts me via the account and asks for the ruki back then I'll give it back but otherwise there doesn't seem to be any harm done... its only np customization after a check

  6. ... I think my side account got hacked but not maliciously? does that make any sense?


    I got a water faerie quest so logged in an for some bizzae reason there is 30k in np on hand, 70k in the bank and a customized Battle Ruki... with a name I wouldn't touch even for a lab pet, do I need to report this cause I really don't want to loose my only side account.

    nothing has been touched as far as I can see, no shop or gallery has been opened and the few measly things I have are still intact.


    No one else in my house plays neopets... I already checked with my partner and he said he hasn't touched it.


    any help?

  7. I hope you like Royal Petpet PB. And I have just enough NP to spoil Doodle rotten hehehe!


    it was perfect thanks - tempted to use it on Uhunga the Ukali - I just love their big eyes and when there royal it looks like there hiding under a blanket

  8. i say: WAIT :D

    because if you win and you already morphed... then you losy the potion.

    so by all the means: wait, and you can always morp yhieetza (i love the name :D)



    I will be waiting now


    Hay does anyone want to adopt a Robot Shoyru, Zania_Orica got zapped this morning and I'm not sure I like it... but I know it can only be done at the lab so maybe its someone else's desired pet

  9. You know what? I may do Baby instead. I need 50k more NP for the Royal PB and I don't wanna go completely broke so honestly I may just do Baby but I still want to dress her up. So I may do Cloud, hmmm..



    I really did want that potion but it ended in the middle of the night from me...


    but if you really want a Royal PB I have a spare, I'll stickit on the TP - offer 800k and an Item worth 200k and its yours

  10. I need some help, I got my hands on a Faerie Lutari Morphine Potion and I don't know which pet to use it on


    Zania_Orica or Yhieetza, Yhieetza was entered to be morphed into a Plushie Draik as a dream pet ... (that is probably not going to happen)


    Zania is my lab tester so far...

  11. Which do you still need?


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    Lets see


    Angry,flamming and golden



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  12. Hi. I've been lurking until now, but haven't had a chance to post until now. It's nice to see the new people and Draik owners here. *waves*


    I reached 1 million NPs (GMC helped a lot). Only 9 million NPs to go.


    Did you guys see the Holiday Dream Neopet Giveaway? I entered RanShaoRyu to be turned into a Red Draik.


    Aethenlynden, I'd like Sovereignly Trousers and Wings of Flame please. My username is xsara123x.


    @ xsara123x. I'm limited to the number of boxes I have so its 1 per person which did you prefer?


    @vives I still have both, did you have a preference?

  13. Thank you so much Aethenlynden! They looked gorgeous on both my Pirate Draik and Shoyru, but I decided to put them on my Shoyru because they matched her coloring so nicely:




    Miriam, I'm sorry to hear that. :( Maybe they did self-freeze, or their account was compromised and frozen for protection, and they're working on getting it returned to them. (With the UC Bruce in tact.)


    I hope it was a self freeze as well nothing worse than logging into the red box of doom, tnt never responded to my ticket and I don't think they ever will


    and those wings look wonderful on your Shoyru I do feel like he/she needs something else too but can't quite put my finger on it... anyway we shall see

  14. Oh mannn I'm too late to get resplendent wings, aren't I? :( Wonderclaw won't give me any and I am tired of getting random wigs. I have been kinda wanting a black fedora hat, though.. do you have one still?



    your in luck I found another pair spare :) tell me the username for this one to pop along to

  15. Hi peoples..


    I have 12 NC gift boxes I need to use so I'm giving away sum of my duplicate stuff.


    One piece each first come first serve, I'll list my multiples below :) Pick one on your reply.


    Black Fedora Hat x2

    Wings of Flame x2

    Carnival Propeller Hat x1

    Sparkling Red hair bow x 6

    Candy-cane hair bow x 4

    Flower and Jewel circlet


    Gothic Kacheek doll

    Menacing skull staff

    Sovereign Jacket

    Sovereign trousers

    Resplendent wings x3

    Monarchial wig

    Simply striped short and waist coat

    Candy cane pitch fork

    blinking holiday nose light

    sparkling winter ornament garland


    Happy Holidays!

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