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Posts posted by Kaana

  1. My answer isn't in the poll: I want to own one in the future. I have an idea for a character who is a Chocolate Ogrin, and I'll consider applying for any that are UFA, but I'd prefer a male one.


    Ditto, except I'm determined to zap mine, and he'll definitely be male.

  2. Ixi's were always my favourite, with the older design :wub_anim: The looked graceful but also like they could bite your head off if they really wanted. (I mean the pose where the head is kind of half turned to the left)


    Now, I think draiks are the best customisation wise, because everything looks good on them - a lot of times I've really wanted a "standing up" pose option because most dresses and skirts don't look right on a four-legged animal.


    Other than that, they're all equal to me.

  3. I'm about 170cm, I've got a friend my age who's almost 180cm (she calls herself a giant), my other friends mum is almost 2 metres tall and still wears heels, and one of the players on our national (pretty sure... definitely state) netball team is 210cm if I remember rightly (and my netball obsessed friend knows her personally).

    • Buy assorted customisation stuff
    • Be patient and wait for everything else to fall into place


    I'm waiting for the perfect colour for my ixi to come into existence, and for some lucky lab zaps ^_^

  4. OMG you guys make it so hard when you can just type like that because like that is easier and also leet lol


    But that's really, really, easy to read :P


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