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Status Updates posted by MELioristic

  1. Hello December

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jumpingbeans
    3. Tedhaun


      Normally snows where I live during the Winter (mainly January and February to be exact).

    4. MELioristic
  2. I don't blame anyone who forgets about me! Back for one or two posts as per usual...

    1. MELioristic


      I got really lucky on my dailies today!!

  3. I don't know the move I just mash with gief

  4. I stalk people who seem to be online, so I can find where they are so we can talkk I like to talk hehe :]

  5. my name's Mel, if you've noticed Im always on your profile! You're online a lot. Just thought I'd say hello :]

  6. okay good, but if I was you I would have wanted some kind of explination or at least introduction :P Nice to meet you too of course!

  7. shoyruhadouken is really hilarious :]

  8. Talk to me, I'm friendly and I like you :]

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. jumpingbeans


      I rode the Go Train everyday.

    3. MELioristic


      very good idea to condsider... GO is nicer than TTC.

    4. jumpingbeans


      Yeah, I found out. :P

  9. Where have I beeeenn, missing tdnf, coming back to you :D

  10. why don't I show up on some people's friends lists?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MELioristic


      you're saying you haven't accepted!?

    3. khaos


      You never sent me one.

    4. MELioristic


      LIES you're on my list and my only option is to remove you!

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