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Status Updates posted by Awesome_Paul

  1. Pretty excited for next week big launch

  2. Not technically true. I Joined about 8 months after it started. I think at that time they changed the forums over and everyone had to re-register. and that's when I joined

  3. You can't scare me like that, especially in my half awake mode ;) lol

    So Booware

  4. Hey V, I know im a day late (was hoping to catch you on msn to tell you) BUT Happy Birthday. Hope you had a great 24th day.

  5. You were right yesterday on MSN.

    There is a robot jetsam *gives awesomeness :P)

  6. Happy Birthday Ryan

    *Gives Cheesecake*

  7. Huh Mad, Im well ANGRY, lol jk

    Nope, its just i don't give answers to plots.

  8. Happy Birthday Matt well for 10 mins but only 1490 mins until your bday ends :P

  9. Be Careful Sam, the Roos are coming for you tomorrow ;)

  10. Happy Birthday isabel

  11. Happy Birthday Mikey


    HIP HIP....

  13. Happy Birthday

  14. Happy Birthday ERIC

    Hip Hip....HOORAY

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