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Posts posted by Airotia

  1. Uingusu changed color to Maractite. Whoo, Maractite Eyrie... now I guess I trade him off or something.

    Zekks changed color to Pink. But he was Pink before. So now he's double pink? D:

    Wheatli did nothing. Again. Darn you, turn robot and satiate my Portal 2 fangirlism! It came out forever ago!

  2. So I had a bad dream that, apparently, there was a site plot going on that involve every account getting a special laboratory ray to zap a pet with that would help them in the next step of the plot.


    But in my dream, I accidentally used the wrong labray on my Plushie Kougra, and it turned into a Purple Bruce. It was a very realistic dream, so I spent a few minutes after I'd waken up freaking out because I'd done a really long application getting that Kougra, and I already had something expensive to save for, I was just extremely distraught until I turned on my computer, realized I hadn't done my dailies, and felt better.


    It was then that I realized of course it was a dream, because half the city I was walking through in it had been in the sky, and an old friend of mine that I hadn't seen in years broke his leg trying to follow some sort of sewer creature.


    But anyways. Has anyone else ever had a bad dream about Neopets?

    A real nightmare, like the random event, "All your Neopoints have been stolen, and all your items, and all your pets are sick, and your stocks have ... oh wait, it was just a horrible, horrible dream."

  3. I wish they'd redo all of the trophies to have a transparent background. XD It would really make a lot of userlookups look much nicer.


    And I had a really good DD this year! Nothing so frustrating that I threw my laptop out of the window, and the prizes were pretty good. I'm already hyped up for next year, even. I got my first DD trophy (last year I only got the participation medal because I didn't care), and it's even gold!

  4. Wow it's amazing! :D I love the coloring especially.

    And don't despair; Faerie drawings get in all the time. Especially on their specific holidays.

    It's a shame Jhudora Day was last month; that would have been a shoo-in for that gallery.

  5. Oh wow, it's gorgeous now!

    I wonder what the shop sells...?

    I mean, springs, obviously.

    But to what end?

    I'm just being odd now, I don't know. Having a spring shop seems silly to me.

    But Roo Island is only surpassed in silliness by Jelly World, so that's keeping with the theme.

  6. I'm sorry, sweetie. D: That's really terrible. A few years ago we lost a family cat I'd had since I was six; the cat was about twelve or thirteen years old when he crawled under the bed and just... died. It's heart-wrenching, and I'm sorry you went through the same thing. My cat died relatively quietly, and there was nothing we could do... I can't imagine what it would have been like to hear him in pain while he passed, that would have made it horrible.


    I also recently had to comfort my best friend who lost her rats, with her family around her basically saying that, "Well, they were just rats." I've heard people say, "Well, it's just a dog" or "just a cat," but they don't understand how close people get with their animals, especially when they've had them for basically their whole lives. There is a bond there, and you are losing someone important to you, and the loss feels monumental when it happens.





    Dean and Castiel (Supernatural)

    Draco and Hermione (Harry Potter) *

    Luna and Neville (Harry Potter again) (I was annoyed that this was not canon)

    Snape and Lily (Harry Potter, once more) (WHY WAS SEVERUS NOT HARRY'S FATHER WHY??) ;-;

    Peeta and Katniss (Hunger Games, which I'm totally obsessed with at the moment)

    Shikamaru and Temari (Naruto... I really like the fan fiction, okay?) *

    Gaara and Naruto (also Naruto) *

    Shino and Kankuro (more Naruto) (... this one is a crack pairing) *

    Shilo and Graverobber (Repo! The Genetic Opera) *

    Billy and Penny (Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog)

    Roy Mustang and Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist) (I have taken note of the age difference thanks) *

    Mustang and Havoc (FMA again)

    Mustang and Hughes (more FMA)

    Mustang and Hawkeye (maybe I just really like Mustang in FMA)


    Okay I'm done.

    * — I like the pairing enough to have written fan fiction or roleplayed it. Or both. Yeah... I'm a fan girl, and it's really really sad. xD

  8. It's drizzling in Georgia, but the sun is still sort of out.

    So it's kind of pretty, really. Makes the trees all green and the air smell like rain.

    Thunder rumbles every now and then, but the lightning doesn't crack.

    This is actually my favorite type of weather right now. Perfect temperature, even. lol.

  9. I had the same problem till i realized that im gay. im not saying that you are too. it just might be a possibility.

    I'll keep that in mind, seriously. xD I /do/ think girls are attractive, but I've never had an outright crush on one.

    Maybe if I meet the right gal and it gets to the point where I keep blocking out, my brain might stop doing the freak-out "RUN AWAY" thing it does with guys.

    But I don't do the start-up crush thing I do with guys, not that I've ever noticed.

    So it's quite confusing.

    Maybe I'm an alien.

  10. Guys, I'm ashamed of you all. There are three pages of debate here, and not a single person has posted this link.




    It is imperative that you read this very scientific (ha) blog before making your decision.


    Before I read this, I would have said cake, hands down. But it brings up some excellent points--for example, I prefer cake in certain contexts, but if I am to eat a LOT of it, I would prefer pie. If I want to have some leftovers, pie is better because it makes an excellent breakfast. So while I still prefer cake, there are contexts in which pie is better.



    This is a really difficult choice. I guess cake wins because I simply cannot resist a chocolate mousse cake!

    You should try chocolate mousse pie. XD I can actually make it with Hershey bars, Cool Whip, and a pie crust. A professionally made one with better ingredients would probably be about five times better, and that's pretty good to start with.

  11. I just watched Hunger Games in theaters. :D I was quite happy with it, aside from a few things that happened early choronologically in comparison to the books. I guess a survival movie wasn't enough to make it 'interesting' for the directors...

    Anyways, I'm a fan of the books, and I liked the movie. :3 So that's cool. Plus it's been a while since I was in a theater.

  12. There is this German food store that sells the best salami ever.


    So I had a sandwich made of that, spreadable swiss cheese, and canned tomatoes on rye bread.

    :3 If I finish off with an apple or a banana, I think I've hit every food group...


    Or do I need to finish off with asparagus? Seeing as how tomatoes go back and forth?

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