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Posts posted by queensorchadragon

  1. Oh my goodness, I think water is one of my new favorite colors! That is gorgeous! I can't wait til they make xweetoks in that color so I can paint Auddissea that. Or possibly Ogrins as I have one named Ocean_Tigress who I could double paint Island then water that would be cool >.>

  2. It's kinda like this.


    You need parental permission to go on a field trip. So your mom signs the consent form saying you are allowed to go on the field trip. You go to the zoo with all your classmates. If you behave, you get to stay in the zoo and have fun, after all your mom signed the consent form. But if you punch one of your classmates in the face, it's VERY likely that one of the teachers or parents will either take you back to the bus or make you stay right next to them the entire time. You could say "But my mom signed a consent form! I should have free rein in the zoo!" but your mom signing the consent form isn't as powerful as what you do with your own actions that indicate whether or not you are responsible or respectful, and could make it so OTHER people don't enjoy going to the zoo.

  3. What I did was make a thread on the neoboards advertising that I was clearing out my SDB (in the avvie and merch areas) so that other people who were working on their SDB could go and get stuff. I restocked and restocked as fast as I could and everything went in like an hour save for the most expensive random stuff (like weeping broccoli, which is still sitting there lol i don't remember how I got it haha)

  4. AAAANDD it's the classic OT - vs - NT debate... sigh


    I think that government should stay out of marriage altogether, no matter who it's involving.


    I'm a hetero, Christian female married to a hetero, Christian male. But that doesn't make it my job to tell people how to live their lives. Should I expect that everyone in society lives the way I do? Uhhh, no. It's not for us to decide how people live.


    If you're truly a Christian, you'll stop whining about gay marriage and focus instead on how you can better serve God.


    This, this, a thousand times this. I am Christian and agree. The only thing I'd say different is that I'm not married yet. xD


    In addition, the fact that the USA has a separation of church and state means that the church can't order the government what to do and vice versa, so [the remainder of this is to fellow Christians] stop complaining. Christ said "My kingdom is not of this world" so stop trying to make it that way. We are to live set apart anyway, we can't live "set apart" if the entire culture around us is exactly the way we want it. Yes that would be nice but that's not what we're called to, stop being jerks and accept that you won't be accepted. </endrant>

  5. I am very frustrated by this because I started the plot, then went away for 2 weeks of volunteering at camp, making SURE my little brother completed them for me when I couldn't due to being in the kitchen 12 hours a day, and the day I came back was the last day and he assumed I would complete it so he didn't do it in the morning and my parents dragged us to my aunt and uncles house without me knowing about it ahead of time, we got back with no time to complete the VERY LAST PUZZLE. And I had made SURE I would be able to do it... but parents are a NOTCOOL factor.


    >:( GRAH.

  6. So about a week before peophin day I entered my peophin drawing. I think it's pretty good....



    I made sure I resized it to fit 500 px, cropped it in 3 different manners so they could choose their favorite if they wanted it. Is there anything I did wrong? Did I just enter it too late? I don't know and it makes me sad because I worked hard on it :(


    Also, I rarely see drawings of this style in the AG, do they dislike this style or is it just not one that many draw in?

  7. Draik - who wouldn't want a dragon for a pet?


    Peophin - for the water :) Elegant and gorgeous creatures as well.


    Xweetok - ADORABLE <3


    Eyrie - Who wouldn't want to go flying with one?


    Kougra - my first pet was a Kougra and I love cats!


    AND last but not least, an Ixi, they are cute and mischievous and awesome and I love my Ixi :)

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