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Posts posted by queensorchadragon

  1. hahaha...my wishlist is full of really expensive items right now xD


    hmmm some cheaper things...

    -wearables that would look cute on a RG peophin, I guess, or any of my other pets lol. I just like dressing my pets up.... XD Pretty much any wearable, background, anything as long as one of my pets could wear it xD


    the real things on my WISH wishlist are:


    -woodland draik MP

    -water paintrbrush to horde until peophins can be painted water

    -woodland paintbrush for an ixi on my side


    If anyone ubernice decides to gift me one of these it'd make my year ^.^ XD But if not, that's fine xD

  2. I use GIMP, it's a free alternative to photoshop. I generally use the paint brush, just round brush and fuzzy brush, and I tweak the size. I frequently use "brush dynamics" based off pressure.


    For the feathers in the background, I had it vary both opacity and size. I started out in the background with large criss-crossing strokes of a dark green, drew in little circles where I wanted the "eyes", shrunk my brush size a bit (but only a little, still larger than the feather's tendrils) and did a basic sketch of the feather, then added some strokes of colors in, blue on bottom, lighter blue/green on top, colored in the eyes. Then I shrunk my brush down even farther and did the highlights of light green, light purple/blue/orange, and a bunch of that light green throughout.


    I had separate layers for different things, for instance the head, the fan, the wing, and the background feathers (though I think I had a few more than that).. That way I can adjust the boundaries between the layers and not have to worry about re-drawing.


    I learned how to do eyes from the tutorials here: http://rtallamy.com/tutorials.html though I sometimes tweak with it a bit. (those are GOOD tutorials, too, I followed the ear one and i creeped my mom out with how realistic it looked)


    Let's see... anything shiny is from the "dodge" tool... umm... for textures I tend to put large background strokes before small foreground strokes. I color in my base picture before I add any textures... I tend to shade with colors that are slightly off from the main color of the object... and .... i'm very obsessive about perfection.


    I feel like this is just meaningless syllables without pictures, but the most I can do with that picture is split it up into its constituent layers, so I hope this helps :)

  3. Hey folks, um, this is my art thread I suppose :) I will post whatever I draw here. Critique is welcome. Any Neo art is going to be heavily watermarked and I apologize, but I have never gotten into the AG and I want to, so I don't want to take the chance of someone stealing my stuff... And yes I know my username on here is "queensorchadragon" but I identify much more with opalescent, so there. xD


    Anyway I'll start with some old stuff and work my way up? I used to do a lot of pencil and watercolor art.



    I went through a fairy-drawing phase. I'm not as good now.






    Then I started learning to do computer art... the earliest examples, I think, are disappeared somewheres on my external hard drive (Pity??) but these are the latest :)


    I've posted some of these on here but I might as well assimilate my Neo art :)


    This is my magma Xwee, Auddissea, being all superhero. Needs a background, and her whip. But this was before I was any good at backgrounds...



    I drew this this summer to enter for peophin day. Never got in. I was sad. Oh well :P



    This is my latest. I entered it but I don't think it'll get in until a random day, because this next week or two is full of events... When is lenny day, anyway?



    Anywho. That's my art... hope you guys like it so there actually was a point to this thread :)

  4. Hi peoples..I have 12 NC gift boxes I need to use so I'm giving away sum of my duplicate stuff.One piece each first come first serve, I'll list my multiples below :) Pick one on your reply.Black Fedora Hat x2Wings of Flame x2Carnival Propeller Hat x1Sparkling Red hair bow x 6Candy-cane hair bow x 4Flower and Jewel circlet Skull-bowGothic Kacheek dollMenacing skull staffSovereign JacketSovereign trousersResplendent wings x3Monarchial wigSimply striped short and waist coatCandy cane pitch forkblinking holiday nose lightsparkling winter ornament garlandHappy Holidays!


    Oh mannn I'm too late to get resplendent wings, aren't I? :( Wonderclaw won't give me any and I am tired of getting random wigs. I have been kinda wanting a black fedora hat, though.. do you have one still?

  5. Hey guys, I've been lurking ^^ stupid finals are taking all my time. No time to earn neopoints. :/


    I want opinions. I'm planning on having a female and a male draik. I am pretty sure I want the male to be shadow. Not sure if I want the female to be woodland or royalgirl. Opinions? I may post a pic or two who knows.

  6. I have my paper written and it's not a horrible paper. However, seeing as this is HONORS research writing, I have to get every sentence nicely flowing from the previous one. I thought I was doing fine until my professor came in and slashed a bunch of stuff, but now I feel like I have no way of completing everything- it's due tomorrow! I just had to come in here and vent-- I feel like such a failure :/

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