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Posts posted by glasses04

  1. Pteri! Pteri! Pteri! :D


    I have a little Christmas guy myself called Erithacus, which is Latin for the European genus of Robins. I lub him ^_^



    Ahhhhhh!!! That is too adorable! Erithacus... xD


    When I got my Cybunny I wanted to name it a Latin name buuuut they were basically all taken, unfortunately... Oh well! =)

  2. I guess the Kyrii is more festive in Christmas colors but I'm with Neggler & FluffeeBunny in that I've never been a huge fan of Kyriis... I've always liked Pteris though and I'm pretty sure I'm painting mine Christmas as well. I love robins and I think it's precious that the Christmas Pteri is essentially a robin! =)


    But pick the one you like best... You could paint both since Christmas paint brushes are among the slightly cheaper brushes... And then you could always repaint later! =P

  3. I can't bear to see this thread go inactive so I'm going to keep posting to it! ^^ (Though, I guess we could just make a new one... Oh well!)



    Today's Good Names:

    -James_Tiberius_Kirk (Very tempting!!!)

    -RandomJubJubness (Thought that was cute)

    -fashion_fish the Flotsam (Cute name for a Flotsam but otherwise weird, haha)

    -ELLOGUBNA (Cute... in a not-so-cute way, haha!)

    -Quiggle_the_4th (Kept showing up, I thought the name was clever!)



    Today's Horrible Names:





    -i_X_i_Y_e_L_l_O_w the Red Ixi (seriously??)

    -mycutekacheeklove the Eyrie

    -analhole (Definitely reported that one)



    -WelcomeToMyHoodRemix (Baha...)



    There were also about a hundred pets with "crap" in the name... :sad01_anim:



    BUUUUUUT... Then I picked up a red female Cybunny, Ilhax! It's crazy that I found one since I'd been wanting one for years and was finally able to create one on Cybunny Day! But then again, I guess there's already going to be an increase in the number of them because of Cybunny Day anyway...


    Is there anyone here who's been dying for a Cybunny? Ilhax is totally up for adoption! :laughingsmiley:

  4. Well at least I'm not the only one who still has Habitarium issues! I'm glad they fixed a lot of the glitches from early on... Kept dropping P3s off the edge into oblivion! xP


    Well, we'll see... I feel like I don't have a shortage of resources... Why are the collecting so fast? I wish they'd slow down or I won't have any more room for the storage buildings!

  5. Haha, thanks everyone! These are all the shops I've been trying so at least I know I'm not doing something wrong... Just another random avatar that I have less than the best luck of getting!

  6. Oh heckkkk yes the Humongous Entertainment games! Buzzy the Knowledge Bug in the airport (loved holding down CTRL to make him talk super fast!) and in the jungle... All the Putt-Putt and Freddy Fish games... Thank you for remembering those because those games were the staple of my childhood computer gaming experience!


    It's kind of funny to see the age differences in this thread though... Those of us who played Putt-Putt & Carmen SanDiego versus the newer games... I feel so old! xD

  7. When I was really little, the only access to a computer I had was my uncle's... and, looking back, he had terrible judgment in letting his five-year-old niece play some of his games, which weren't at all kid-friendly. ;) I loved Creature Shock, but I forced him to play for me, since I was too scared to play by myself. Balls of Steel was another one of my favorites.


    Once I moved and got to use my dad's computer, the games I had to play became far more age-appropriate. :P Chip's Challenge and Reader Rabbit were a couple of my favorites, and I loved getting to play The Incredible Machine at school.



    Heheee, my brother used to play The Incredible Machine! At our elementary school we had an educational game about the body called BodyScope, these mathematical games that featured a weird kangaroo named Marloo (can't remember the name of the game series though), but we mostly all played Storybook Weaver! =P

  8. Hey all!


    I'm level 38 in Habitarium and upgraded all my nests to level 2. One of my nests, however, is still listed as "Level 1," though it incubates an egg at the same rate as the other level 2 nests and when I try to upgrade it, it says "You cannot upgrade until level 40." Anyone have any clue what I should do? It doesn't affect the game play, it's just a little annoying to me and I'm somewhat OCD about my Habitarium! :P


    I might just delete it and make a new one unless anyone has advice!

  9. Blehhh, alright, thanks, haha! I guess if I do the furniture store I can decorate my Neohome super creepy! At least I'd be ending up with some useful-ish items... Not just a bunch of stupid garbage to sell for 10 NP!

  10. Haha, oh greatttttt... Hundreds of spaces...


    Well thanks for the tips! I'll go check out the guide & boards! I'll just keep clicking away I suppose! At 300 NP a go, I guess it isn't a huge drain on NPs... Not like Lever of Doom/Wheel of Extravagance/Kelp/etc.!

  11. Hasewa the starry koi was a pound catch a few days ago. I really didn't like koi's a whole lot but the more i look at her, the more I like her :-D Who knows, maybe she'll end up being a permie.



    Aww, Hasewa is really pretty! She has a nice name and the stars look really good on her! =)

  12. I don't think i'll like this show. Then again at first I didn't like Adventure Time and Regular Show and now i Love them! So haha i'll have to watch it :)



    That's exactly how I feel! I watched an episode the other day and I mean, it was kind of funny but also kind of annoying... It seems like it's a little more of a kids show, which is why it's on before the other Monday night cartoons... But it's random enough to where I think I'll start to like it...


    But nonetheless, Regular Show is by far my favorite... I can watch those episodes over & over... I love Mordecai - when will he ever end up with Margaret? =)

    Rigby's cool too, he's pretty funny even if he's kind of a jerk sometimes! xP


    As for Adventure Time, I adore Jake... He's super adorable and the fact that he's voiced by the guy who does Futurama's Bender makes him all the more amazing!


    Cartoon Network has scored major points in my book for lining up all these great shows on Monday nights... Though Problem Solvers has yet to impress me.

  13. Hey... So... I'm super impatient & I've been trying for the Dark Lurker avatar... From the other Dark Lurker threads it sounds like a lot of you other TDN-ers got the avatar a while back but if you remember, would you mind telling me where you got it? I've been buying from these different stores but they tend to be so expensive and I'm ending up with a lot of useless junk (go figure)...


    Anyone got any advice? Should I just keep chugging along? =/

  14. Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about that... I'm a student at the University of North Carolina (Go Heels!) and during this semester we've had a non-student get into one of the dorms and hold some students at gun point while he robbed their rooms... Mostly there's a lot of drug charges going on, though that's somewhat to be expected in so large a school... Last year a student was nearly kidnapped while she was jogging just outside campus but a couple men saw her being hassled and they stopped the guy trying to kidnap her, though one of them got hit by a car!


    All in all, crime is pretty much bad wherever there's a high population density of young people... But I'm glad you're okay and I hope things get better!


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  15. Fellow Buried Treasure seekers!!!


    Everyday I pull one of those tickets out of the board and get NOTHING!!! (Actually, I have gotten 2k NP on occasion...)


    So I was wondering, what technique do you all use in an attempt to get the avatar? I've been clicking the same ticket each time hoping that will increase my chances (yeah, I know it's random!)... But would it be a better idea to just let my mouse click randomly somewhere on the board?


    Let me know what you think! =D

  16. I was just wondering; does anyone else out there have a game that they just cannot stop playing?


    For me, it's Shenkuu Warrior II. I don't know why, but it's just fun and mesmerizing. Plus it's an easy source of Neopoints! :D



    Ohhh yeah, Shenkuu Warrior II, haha! I've devoted my User Lookup to the game, though I promptly broke the layout when I earned a solitaire trophy, whoops!


    Also, Pyramids... NeggSweeper... and BILGE DICE! =)

  17. Ahh! Congrats! I won once... Hooray for not getting a big X again! But then I got addicted to NC items and used some real money... Wasn't much, only $5 I think... But still, whoops! xP


    It was a super lucky time to win though, because it was 1/2 off NC items weekend! So I got double the stuff! Heehee!

  18. Ugh, the water plant was horrible... And my internet connection isn't the greatest so one refresh mess up on Valeolus & Punch Club made it so I had to do them over & over & over!!! Ughh... Oh well, now we get to enjoy our daily prizes from the King! (Hooray, 200 NPs...!)


    The flash game avatars are really hard! I use my laptop so I don't usually have a mouse and that makes a lot of them even harder! I'm a pretty good typist but I can't seem to get Typing Terror... Volcano Run, Petpetsitter, Extreme Herder, all those flash game ones are hard... I have managed to get Tyranu Evavu and the 24 Bilge Dice ones... Ugh, well I've got pretty much all summer to work on avatar collecting! xD


    Nice to know I'm not the only one who's addicted to avatar collection! =P

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