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Posts posted by aia

  1. Aren't you guys being a bit selfish?

    The Neopets HQ is probably in danger of being set on fire.

    And...even on holidays, Neopets Staff doesn't take their day off since

    there might be problems with the site; viruses and etc problems while they're gone.



    I don't think we know for sure that that's what's happening.

    Some of us were in the middle of things, too.

    With the limited communication about this sort of thing between TNT and the users, we may never know exactly what this is about.

    It very well could be just them updating the site.


    However, if this continues... I'd say it would be safe to bet that it's the fires that's keeping the site down. :crying:


    That would be terrible. If the problem is with the fires, what then? Will we have an enormous period of time for which the site will be temporarily down?

    |sigh| That's what global warming is doing to us. It's even affecting neopets. :ohno:

  2. PS Sure Ill help with a pets story just drop me a line on neo...when it gets back. I just need to know a few things about your pet to make a great story for it.


    Haha, thanks. xD Actually, I need amazing stories for 20+ gelerts, but I have some basic ideas for most of them, I just need some time to write them down.

    I don't know what to do about a few of them, though - nuitro the orange gelert (male), urothien the speckled gelert (female) and erohain the glowing gelert (currently female, but will be male). I have no muse for them, currently. But I love them anyway. I'll have to figure something out for them. Any ideas on either of the three?

  3. hehe But when you are procrastinating it seems easier to find things to do. lol When you aren't avoiding anything it becomes harder haha


    True, true.

    |refreshes page|

    My good gelert, neopets is still off! I'm starting to get worried. :sad02:

    I'll go get myself a little something to eat for dinner and I'll be right baaack! |runs to kitchen|

  4. Hehe I don't have homework XD I wish I had something besides FB to play on now tho...nothing is on tv, dinner isn't ready yet...blah. LOL


    Lucky you! I have to write a boring conflict resolution letter. But, of course, procrastinating sounds so much more appealing... :whistle:

  5. I hate when neo goes down. *sigh* I hope it isn't down for hours


    Same here. D:

    When neo's down it's a sign that I should stop procrastinating and go work on my homework.


    Who said it would be a bad thing ? :P

    I had fun last time


    Oh, you're right. You weren't complaining. xD

    It's just, when neo's down, I might get very pessimistic and all. Neo is my life. :laughingsmiley:



    Anyways... Anyone wanna help me develop a story for my gelert? :woot: Haha, sorry for the randomness. I'm just booored.


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  6. No, they won't directly. Petpages are about the most versitle mediums for code so if you know what you want to do it then its possible ;) Its just a matter of knowing the codes yourself and being able to problem-solve what needs to be done! Presumably since most of those pages are off-Neopets, they'd say to do something like what you are asking with iFrames which don't work on Neo anyway.


    The petpages you want are done with divs, page anchors and overflow:hidden CSS, in lieu of being able to use iFrames.



    I talked to a friend about it, and she's gonna help me out with the petpage coding. :D

    So I think that I'm just missing the gallery layout, now. ^_^


    I got my userlookup made by the amazing Chelsea. Thank you so much! :*

    I'll put it up asap! ^_^

    For now it's up on my side, amalia94. :D

  7. Hi there.


    I'm an artist, as I said in my introduction. I've been really getting into the Neopet fanart base.


    So, here's a small showcase of Neopet art I'm putting together.


    You can find more here: http://www.neopets.com/~demijewel



    Hey there, Tamara. ^^ This is Amalia speaking. Haha, I didn't know you came to these boards. xD

    Anywhoo, thank you once more for the fan art for Crystah. It's up on the app page now. :)

  8. Alrighty. Verdana is probably what I am going to use, and I'm thinking about making the background argyle. Would you like for there to be sections for a Neohome and Trophies?


    Oh, yes please. ^_^

    Neohome is not necessary, but I had forgotten about the trophies. xD


  9. I might be able to do the UL for you but it might take me a while and I can't start on it until next week (I'm in college summer finals right now x_x ). It took me a couple of weeks to finish my UL -- click here to see it and decide if my style is worthy. :D


    Anywaysss... I need to freshen up on my CSS skills, so making a UL for someone would be a good opportunity for me to do so. To make your lookup, though, I'd have to know what sections you want to have hidden, if you want any images' sizes changed, what default links you want removed/kept (like the navigation bar or the footer links), and if you want a shield. The more you want added or removed, the more coding it's gonna take, so keep that in mind! Moving the sections around uses up some coding space, too.


    Other specific things... like a particular font that you like, if you want the background light or dark, if you want the modules (the sections where the info goes) to be a particular color... Or if you just want me to figure out these things with my own artsyness.


    For the Royal Gelerts I've found some good sites that show all kinds of images to work with, but I'll probably end up drawing them myself because I can't find any images that are large enough or good enough quality. I don't do Anthro and if you want to see my drawing skills you can check out my deviantart gallery. I don't really have any good Neopets art examples besides my UL.


    I try to be online at Neopets daily so you can Neomail me, or pm me here. :) Whichever works for you.



    Wow, I love your lookup. :O It's quite impressive. Thank you so much for offering to help! :* I saw your art too, by the way, and I think it's absolutely stunning. ^_^

    Fonts? Well, I like things nice and simple. Verdana is a font that I /love/. I don't tend to like georgia much, unless it really matches the rest. As for arial, I'm not too sure... I don't think I know any more fonts that neopets allows us to use. :eh: I prefer lighter backgrounds, but really, that's up to you. Cute patterns are loved. As for the sections, I'd like them to be: Navigation, my basic stats (name, hobbies, etc), other stats (avatar count and such), gallery / shop, and pets. ^_^ It would be great if I could also have a place where I could write some text about myself. :king:

    Thank you so much!

  10. Right, so, my old account got unfairly frozen and I gave up on the site for a while. Now, I'm back, and I really need some help at customizing my lookup, petpages and gallery. I can handle the basics of HTML and CSS, but I am unable to make codes from scratch, which is why I am asking for help. Below are the details of what I'm looking for. Any help is greatly appreciated. ^_^ I will leave your credits even if I edit the graphics, no worries.



    User Lookup:

    I'm bad at modifying lookups and such, so this would have to be the one with which I'd need the most help.

    I would like a user lookup with a royal gelert / royalty theme, with those separated sections that I've seen a few people doing lately. Something like this would be absolutely amazing. I'd like that the colours of the lookup match the colours of both royal girl and royal boy gelert (sorry, I know how difficult it is to make pink, green, purple and gold look good mixed together. :(). I would love you forever if you could pick a nice font and write my name "Amalia" on top and maybe place a crown above it or something. But oh well, beggars aren't choosers. Let's hope that whoever is willing to help me out understands more or less what I'm looking for. Please do not use an image of any neopet unless it is a royal gelert!



    Pet Page(s):

    Right, so, I'm a bit better with pet pages. If you get me a basic code and a few pictures of what I want, I can edit it to my liking.

    I was thinking of a petpage for my royal girl gelert, and one for my royal boy gelert. For now they're just yellow gelerts, but they are to be painted soon. Well, I saw a pet page once which I found absolutely amazing - it had a navigation which was actually on the picture and the picture was "mapped" by a java-related CSS code which allowed you to click something on it and access another section of it, which appeared on the box. It wasn't your usual division, though. You clicked, and the stuff appeared, and when you clicked another link the text was fully substituted by another. I don't know if I am good enough at explaining this. Urgh. o_O Anyways, I would like one of these, if any of you understood what I meant, for each of my gelerts. As for the links, I guess that maybe you could get to the new text sections by clicking on words on the picture, or maybe royal-gelert-related items? Oh well. Leave that part to me. All I want is for someone to code the basic thing for me, and make the page with a banner on the top where I can add a picture of either of them, and the name. So, something of about 800px x 500 px should do for the banner. Feel free to leave the colour picking and such to me, as I will have to come up with two different colour schemes (one for him and one for her). Just making the map work and indicating on a temporary picture where I should put the links to the different sections would do. :yes:



    Gallery Layout:

    What I want for my gallery layout is pretty much the same as for the lookup, only it's for a gallery, needless say. Hehe. Anything unique and cute themed about royal gelerts or royalty (please no images of any neopets BUT royal gelerts!). Anything will do, really. ;) It's a gelert gallery, by the way. It would be nice if it would say "Gelert Galore" on the top, but that's pretty much up to you. :P





    I would like to thank anyone who is willing to help me out with either of these even before you start, just for having the generosity of taking your time to help me out. (: May your life be filled with gelert happiness~!

    Anxiously awaiting responses,


  11. This goes perfect with the post I wanted to post. Anyway, so after trying to help some people, I decided to go back to playing YYB. Anyway when I went on the site and saw error, my heart sunk. Hope that answers your question. If not, when my account got frozen it felt like I or someone close to me died. Well my topic states only for a week, so, I'll be EXTREMELY bored BUT I have Pokemon and Sims 3 to keep me company.



    Yes, neopets if most of us' life. And, Yes, it does feel like we are in a shlter after a tornado. Also 1o minutes and my topic has become a hot one.


    PS. What will happen to my Wheel of Monotomy. It's still rolling. Maybe I'll wait till the servers become active.


    Where's V?


    Edit: How did I run into it? Let's see, I think I refeshed my page after they said something about servers and not accepting my YYB score. Although not that good, it's one of my best, 11-0


    And so did mine. When my old acc got frozen, I cried for a few days and got extremely depressed for a week. I phoned the premium services to cancel my premium crying, and the attendant was really sorry for me. :crying:

  12. Lulz. :laughingsmiley:

    Look at all the people here.


    It's like a shelter during a tornado or something :sad02:

    Strangely enough, I feel the same way. First tornado shelter I've been to in my life. :evo:



    i'm getting more nervous every minute... i never thought i was THAT addicted to neopets xD

    well the worst thing for me: i'm in the caption contest for the first time and i can't check how i'm doing there right now

    Heh, me too. I'm getting anxious and typing quickly.

  13. Well I'm glad someone posted about it being down. I thought it was my internet. I reset the router and still nothing.


    Same here. I turned the internet on and off a million times until I figured it out. :(



    some of you guys make i sound like neopest( :P ) is your life :D :D

    funny reading ^^


    But it is neopest if we can't play it, is it not?

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