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Posts posted by aia

  1. Nope..still refreshing.

    You know, one of these days i'm going to buy premium..but i have to deal with all the credit card/pay pall bit..ughh..

    But sooo many people praised the boards.

    Premium ROCKS. If you ever want an invite to it, neomail me on neopets (when it's back up, duh xP :lol:) and I'll send you one. I NEED that precious little premium avvie...

  2. Hahahah That was great ! I totally forgot about the goldfish crackers and was just thinking of those poor yellow flopping fish


    ;P Exactly my thought here.

    And especially so because here in brazil there are no goldfish crackers for sale and so my first thought was - maybe he eats fish from his own aquarium? o.o

    And then I remembered the biscuits back in USA.

  3. *even shiftier eyes* That would be so cool. Ive never had an encounter with a board mod, but ive seen screenies. I want to chat with one. See if there as addicted as I am.

    I'd love to chat to a mod too! |high fives|

    lol. I have the userlookup of Snarkie bookmarked. She's a mod, ya know.




    To be honest if i had to come up with ideas or draw for a site for years than in my spare time i wouldn't want to have anything to do with it...as in 'get as far away as i can'

    I would still play the site and all, I guess. I'm the kind of person that can't free herself of things too easily. Especially when I like them. Uh-um.

  4. Hey Lily!! Odd seeing you on here. I've been lurking for awhile, and because I've nothing else to do, figured I'd chat too.



    Nickname / name: Damson

    Gender: Female

    Favorite colour: yellow

    Favorite neopets species: Peophin

    Main hobby on neo: Writing codes/making pages to run various guild activities, and playing games to afford PB's for my dream pets

    Age: 19

    Zodiac sign: Leo

    Favorite food(s): Goldfish and Pizza :-D



    Goldfish...? Eh. Yummy.


    Pizza is okay, but... Goldfish? You sure? xD

    Joking, you probably mean the goldfish biscuits, don't ya?

  5. Sloth! *faints*


    If the site really is down until tomorrow when peoe come back in to work, I'm going to be sad.


    Do you think any of the staff members check the site on their day off and notice it's down? :O


    ^^ Yeup, Sloth is here to take over Neopia! :O

    And, I dunno. If any of the staff members are really addicted to the site, then they might. But if they do, they really can't solve the problem until the HQs open tomorrow, right? Actually... Who knows if a staff member might be amongst us right now? |shifty eyes|

  6. then when neo is back online and the first person to realise it wants to tell everyone they wont be able to just post 'It's back! Everythings working!' that would be a very useful post, adding something to the conversation yet against the rules.


    They could say: "It is back and working! Wooot! I'm so happy! Go and run to the site now, everyone!"

    That'd be far more than 7 words. ;)

  7. Hi, I decided to register because this looks like a nice forum. n_n So I'm new to these forums. Found it on a search engine when I realized neo wasn't loading right; I was hoping to find a neo-related forum to see if anyone else was experiencing this. Obviously, lots of people are, lirl.


    I just hope everything is okay, odds are that they have backups! It would be totally ridiculous if they don't.


    Man, once/if Neopets comes back up it's gonna be so laggy! Can you imagine how many users will pour in and the boards will probably go a splode. xD


    Welcome to TNT, the great wide world of neopet addicts! ^^ Here we gather together with sloth to plan neopian domination. :evo:

  8. so what is the recommended course of action if we have something to say but it takes less than 7 words?

    You just say something extra that you really don't need to say. Think of something random and join up the previous sentence with it. It always works. :yes:

    Joking. 0:)

  9. Dejavu. Has this happened before in the past year? I remember coming to TDN and chatting with everyone bt before this, I was still a newb.


    Yep. During the altador cup. It was terrible.

    The site went poof, and I ran here for protection from the meepits. You know, when the site's electric fences go down, the meepits escape. x_x :worried:

  10. I've met some really rude ones on charter. I spend most of my time with my AC group lol We've all become really close friends. But out of all the premium boards I visit the Charter ones the most.....you have the best luck there.....

    I've met one or two people being rude to me on charter, but they were cut off soon by my charter friends. (: 99% of the charters are absolutely wonderful people. Last year, on my old account, before I got iced, a charter sent me a royal pb for free. I painted Impiriel, my gelert princess. Unfortunately she's living in ice land now. D: Main hallers managed to ice me. |sigh| Loooong story. I'm rebuilding now, though. ^_^



    I have my friends on the CC. *misses them* IDK why its a slow board. Bt I like it slow b)

    And, yeah. I like it slow too. And, some people in CC are so amazing! Like, flosset and icesmiths and phoned and a couple of others. And, of course, the person who gave me that pb. Not mentioning her name in order to keep her from being flamed, though. ;D

  11. *wishes I could be premium*

    I wouldnt waste money though.

    You should. It's absolutely worth it! ^_^ Not a waste of money at all, either.






    Really? I've never really gone to the Main Hall, is it that bad? :/

    I might go if I need ZDAP... When I have the collat...

    It's terrible. If you want ZDAP for collat, you should either go to charter, or you should send me a neomail. I know a lender, and one of my friends is saving up for one, so either of them would be glad to lend for full collat. b)

  12. My homepage is my playlist :yes:


    This post has been edited by a member of staff (Ruto) because of a violation of the forum rules.

    Please make sure all posts have at least seven words. Quotes and smileys don't count.

    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.


    My own homepage is the neopets portal. On all four internet browsers I use. :evo:

    I'm trying to get my mom hooked on neopets too, but it'll take time. All she does is play the games for now. I don't think she understands it's a wiiider world, and the games aren't even the important part. xD

  13. Nickname / name: Amalia, Aia, Lia or Amie

    Gender: Female

    Favorite colour: Greeeen!

    Favorite neopets species: Gelerts, duh :P

    Main hobby on neo: Pampering her pets, chatting on guilds, lurking

    Age: 15

    Zodiac sign: Aquarius

    Favorite food(s): Pizza, chocolate, pasta, stuff with condensed milk in it...


    OH! And I have another one:

    Country: Brazil

  14. How long they been down now? half hour? hour? it was running mindnumbingly slowly earlier - guess we should have known then. whats the deal anyway? has some kind of disaster taken it down? anyone local know if theres something happening in the area that could cause this? (though i guess if there was no one in that area would be online to answer that question) they'r still on holiday arent they?

    If something's happening like fires and all, it should be on the news somewhere! |goes search news sites|

  15. Same here. Im bored outa my mind!


    |high fives|

    Does anyone wanna play the get-to-know-everyone-else-better game? xD You basically fill in a stupid form and spend your time reading others'. Like, this form, for example:


    Nickname / name:


    Favorite colour:

    Favorite neopets species:

    Main hobby on neo:


    Zodiac sign:

    Favorite food(s):


    ...Or something along those lines.

  16. I understand boredom..I have no live except neopets..Im a geek. LOL


    Than I am one too, I believe. :king:

    And, erm... Looks like a staff member put up a notice... It reads: |clears voice|

    Neopets Not Loading: Neopets is not loading for a lot of people. We are not aware of any reasons for this downtime, but when more information is available we'll pass it along to you.
  17. Or maybe they are like me and have the tab open but browse other pages too. :)


    Maybe that's it. ^_^


    Anyone wanna sing along? :guiltysmiley:


    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

    All the King's horses, And all the King's men

    Couldn't put Humpty together again!

  18. (sigh) I can understand being down..really..I hope there ok...but at the same time im frustrated... :guiltysmiley:


    Same here. Frustrated. And bored. I'm bored to death.

    I don't think anyone here knows the current dimension of my boredom. Seriously. The whole world goes down when neopets doesn't work. o_O

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