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Posts posted by degenius

  1. no one would know....the grave would be a secret XD but I just mean to say that they shouldn't have even bothered respecting Islamic burials if they were only going to supposedly respect one aspect of it! It just seems fishy to me that they respected the time limit which seems more of a convenience to them if anything.

  2. Why they put the body into the water was not really for religious reasons. It was so none of his followers could visit him or know the exact location. I hope that clears some of it up.


    yeah I know, but like I was saying, muslim graves are unmarked so they could have hidden it on land AND respect muslim tradition even more

  3. hmm, I think its really weird about the whole burial in 24 hours thing...


    An Islamic burial does require burial in 24 hours BUT burial in the earth is much much better then casting the body in the sea. Also, Islamic graves don't have tombstones so they could have buried him in a secret location and no one could have found the body. And to add a bit more...Islamic burials require cleaning of the body, a special type of prayer before they are buried AND a viewing of the body.(I highly doubt they did any of the other more important stuff pertaining to an Islamic burial). So in the end they 'respected' one aspect of Islamic burials.... I don't think the Islamic burial needed to be 'respected' anyways. It's not like he himself respected the religion at all....

  4. I saw the green open and I got so excited! I love all the siggys you make and would really love one too.



    Quote:no quote

    Size: doesn't really matter, not too big though

    Theme: Sebastian Michaelis from kuroshitsuji (its a manga and anime)

    Colors: no yellow

    Images: I don't have any, sorry :(

    Animated: no

    Extras: uhm, a matching icon would be awesome too! :whistle: Thanks so much!

  5. When I first started my new account I couldn't think of a name so I named my green JubJub GrassClouredFurBall................... :sad01_anim: Its really terrible but I don't have to heart to pound him so he's still with me lol I also don't want to change his colour because well....he wouldn't be 'grasscoloured' anymore XD Now I just call him GCFB but it really isn't helping, he'll prob be sent to a side eventually :worried:

  6. I'm curious as to why they would make then no trade though. It's not like they can be reused+lent. Unless you have that faerie ability that gives your books a chance of not disappearing. But that's all chance.


    Some people could buy them and give them to others as a gift or something, and no trade prevents that. This way you know the avatar went to someone who has/had 10mil, or 100k, or 1 mil :D I think its more fair this way, The richest get the richest avatar lol

  7. Yeah lol, happens to me all the time....Sometimes I go on after a few days and there are over 20 blue gems :/ I find it more annoying then sad though lol Less egg discarding and more hatching!


    P3s can get hurt too, by pests. You just stick them in a house until they get better. The more you take care of them the longer they live, you can see how long they've progressed too, maybe check out the Hab guide? Sorry if you already know this stuff ^_^

  8. :( I really wanted one but they released them while I was writing an exam! Looks like I'll have to get the lab map now :/


    I just got one!! Hurry go now if your reading this LOL *happy dance*

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