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Posts posted by Samuel

  1. Argh, that's such a bad movie. It's full of rubbish overtones at the end on how we have to save the world.


    Some bits are good - the Mexican penguins, yay - but id rather watch aaaanything else than that. SUCH a bad movie.


    (I wana see Sweeny Todd, but that's an 18 in the UK. :()

  2. I'm not getting condescending with you, and I'm confused a little by your last comment - as if to say I was acting in an irrespectable manner? Perhaps that wasn't your intention to claim that, I'm not sure. I'll ignore it just to stop an argument. :(


    To be honest, it's not my concern how much effort IDB users have put in. I've stated numerous times how it is legal and how I think it's viable competition.


    I'm sorry you don't agree. I just hope things will get a little better after Ian's investigation is complete. :(




    Attribution will be given as far as I'm aware in due course.


    However, I'd like to point out that your site was in no way bot-leached, and I personally resent any claim that it was. Members of staff - myself included - spent months on end inputting everything into the database, item by item. They spent a lot of time, and to say that it was a quick hitch-job is just totally...wrong. TDN uses BBcodes to run the formatting (for instance, in the inputting form, inputting [l] into the 'attack' would produce a light icon) - as it does with the main site ([eurl=url]text[/eurl] gives an external url), and spelling errors are most likely mistakes which are unavoidable.


    The battlepedia - a department of the site - doesn't carry adverts. The main site carries adverts, but provides no content from IDB or tdnBP where the ads are shown.


    I'm sure the CC licence will be resolved.


    I'm going to ask for this topic to be closed pending the investigation that Ian's conducting. I'm sorry it's got a little nasty; hopefully everyone can come out of the situation well. :(

  3. As i've stated twice now, it is totally legal because IDB have agreed - when they added the CC licence to their site - that the information is free to reuse in any shape or form.


    Nonetheless, Ian has just apologised for the few mistakes that were made, and I'd hope you'd accept that.


    I don't need to make comparisons - I speak to every staff member here and I know that they're all reliable people who do their jobs amazingly well. (And seriously, how many ways can you phrase some of the notes that would be on some items? There's only a few ways of saying "limit one", and "limit one" is the most obvious one that anyone would use - hence why it's a phrase that TDN staff members probably chose.)


    Legally, nothing is wrong. That's that. Morally, there've been a few cases where plagiarism might have occured, but that's being dealt with. I think, unfortunately, you fail to see the amount of effort that has gone into tdnBP. The site is much more functional than IDB, and runs much nicer; in addition, the workload was spread over around 6 people, whereas IDB probably has loads of staff and certainly uses its community to keep it running. Six people to pull that off is a remarkable ask, and they've certainly pulled it off very well.


    Personally, I consider that the end of the story; Ian certainly has apologised, and I'd imagine you'd do well to understand the various issues raised. tdnBP is perfectly legal, is (in my view) a much better competition for IDB, and the effort that has gone into it is astounding. They've done really well, and Ian's made sure that it won't happen again (and they're going to check all the items again anyway to stop plagiarism)...I'm sorry you feel so bad about it, but try to understand the reasoning I've laid out, if you could. :)

  4. I didn't claim that the staff had done that much testing, that they'd tested a load of weapons. That's true. But we did as much research as we could - and you'll notice TDN is doing weapons tests right now on the weapons that they cant find.


    And nonetheless, TDN is legally free to copy and redistribute the whole site pretty much in whole - word-for-word - if they had wanted to, because of the Creative Commons licence which IDB has put themselves under, effectively giving TDN the right to copy as they so desire with accreditation - if they had wanted to.. Stealing isn't a matter that appears in this situation, simply because IDB has entered themselves into a licence which allows you to take the information - much like Wikipedia. (And do you think that major companies don't use information from other resources? All the world's major news agencies take most of their news from companies who report the news, and don't actually make it themselves. A lot of the world's major broadcasters rely on other resources, such as Reuters and Associated Press, to do the job for them. TDN could do that with IDB, but they haven't.)


    That's besides the point. I know full well how much effort people put into that department, and they've come up with an end product that is much easier and much nicer for visitors to use. And that's exactly the point of competition. Of course TDN want to honestly compete as a resource - and seeing as they haven't copied word-for-word from IDB as you claim, they're already doing that. They're very much competeing as a good and better alternative resource, with the layout and tools they've already implemented (and I know there's more to come, that IDB certainly don't have).


    Let's not get all shouty, anyways. Ooerr.

  5. Nannerz, throwing around allegations like that with no support is, unfortunately, quite regrettable. The team has been working on this since October. They have - and for some time I with them - worked their backsides off bringing that project to you guys, I assure you.


    Competition between sites is what makes sites stand out. A major rival site has released a database which is exactly similar to neoitems.net; they've not done it because they're bored, it's to gain more visitors, provide a good feature which people use, and ultimately shine through.


    And, in my view, this competition has shone through on TDN's side; the site provides information in a much cleaner, much easier, much better way than IDB does, and is up-to-date as much as it can be.


    And regardless of that, IDB provides a link to a Creative Commons licence on every page of their site, which is a recognised licence which states that they give the right to non-commercial use of their work to share (copy, transmit and distribute) and remix (adapt) the work on the site. Even if TDN did make use of IDB's resources and community intellect - which I can assure you they did not to such an extent that it would be "stealing" - it would be legal under the licence applied to the site anyway.

  6. You have the taskbar on the side? Interesting =] I tried that once, but it annoyed the hell out of me. It's not good when you're trying to work and it takes up a lot of screen space.


    Hehe, very...electrical?!


    I'm not a fan of the font on the icon labels though, i must admit; sorry, hehe. :P

  7. In Flanders fields the poppies blow

    Between the crosses, row on row,

    That mark our place; and in the sky

    The larks, still bravely singing, fly

    Scarce heard amid the guns below.


    We are the Dead. Short days ago

    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

    Loved, and were loved, and now we lie

    In Flanders fields.


    Take up our quarrel with the foe:

    To you from failing hands we throw

    The torch; be yours to hold it high.

    If ye break faith with us who die

    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

    In Flanders fields.




    This poem, by Canadian Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, was written on May 3rd, 1915 after he witnessed the death of his friend in the Second Battle of Ypres. It is the most popular reminder that we must remember the millions who died in the World Wars and other conflicts since. At 11.00 on 11th November 1918, the armistice which led to the end of the First World War was signed, and this day is now used to remember the service and ultimate sacrifice men and women have given in war throughout the world. In the Commonwealth and Europe, a poppy symbolises remembrance of the lives lost.


    Services of remembrance are being held throughout the world; from the Cenotaph in London, to Washington DC, to bases in Afghanistan and Iraq. Take some time today to remember those who gave their lives so that you could live.

  8. Send Ian a PM, as was suggested, but we don't have a 'blog system'.


    The news on the front page is automatically retrieved from the news posted in the 'Neopets News' area of the TDN forums; whilst the plugin we use to retrieve the news and place it on the front page might be free, the forums software in which we post news on (and in which you're viewing this topic in) costs upwards of US$60.


    If you need a blog system, try either CuteNews, Wordpress or Blogger (Google them).

  9. This post has been edited by a member of staff (Samuel) because of a violation of the forum rules.

    Do not post more than once in a row. Edit your posts.

    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.


    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Samuel).

    The topic was posted in the wrong area.

    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this topic.

    Per the reason above, this topic has been MOVED from Random Chit Chat to Computers and Technology.

  10. Hello,


    We've had many new users over the last few hours registering, and unfortunately abusing the forums. We have some strict rules which much be adhered to everywhere on the forum. Your posts must abide by them, and you can find them at:


    If you break a rule, we'll edit your post and you could recieve a 'verbal warning' through your inbox in the control panel on the forums. If you break a rule multiple times - within a small timeframe - you'll get an official warning. If you recieve two official warnings within a 24 time frame, we'll force your posts to require approval before they show on the forums (or even disable your posting ability for a few hours).


    We hate to be strict, but you must adhere to the set rules! If you have too many official warnings based on KE-related posts, you could even be disqualified from the whole activity.


    Also, please note that we have a special spoiler tag - if you've got something special to say, and which might spoil the plot for others, use the following tag:


    [spoiler] There's something about the plot that you should know!!! Your text here! [/spoiler]


    And it'll appear in a nice big black




    Finally, please note that you can't use the shoutbox for KE-related discussion - it all has to be here, please!


    If you see anything which you feel we need to be aware of, please hit the 'Report' button found under every post.


    Many thanks, - and good luck!


    TDN Staff

  11. Please forward any site issues - including this - by selecting an appropriate field under the 'contact form' on the main TDN website. Many thanks!



    Head of Content Dept

    (But who doesn't deal with dailies. ;D)


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  12. Just to clarify a tiny bit more, you can edit it by clicking here (this will also tell you if you're eligible for a display name change).


    As stated, moderators can't edit your display name. Our only process is via the link we just gave you. If for any reason you make a mistake in creating your name, you need to private message Ian (member id: 1), a forums administrator, who can edit it for you.


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    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Samuel if you have any questions regarding this action.


    (If you have any more questions, feel free to ask any user who has their display name in red or green - members of the moderation or content team respectively.)

  13. It's Halloween at The Daily Neopets (as you can see by our pretty swanky new layout on the front page!).




    We're all prepared for the big night, and our forums have some activities planned

    (got a ghost story to tell? Spook us out in the Stories forum!), and we'll be staying up all night watching for

    evil Meepits and scary Ghostkerchiefs (trust us, they're some scary petpets).




    We're also getting some reports that something is getting into TDN's management system, it's all rather odd.

    We've sent Jerry, our Pteri mascot, away to investigate, and he'll report back in due course; but with Halloween

    coming up tomorrow, it's all a bit weird...stay tuned!

  14. fur_techo_clock.giftoy_clock.giffur_techo_clock.gif


    It's that time of the year. There's just 3 days until Halloween, 58 days until Christmas, and 65 days left of the year (but who's counting?), and for many countries, daylight saving kicks in with an extra hour's sleep for most of us.


    If you're reading from the United Kingdom, Ireland, or any country in the European Union (except Iceland) or Russia, you need to turn your clocks back one hour at 01:00 (1am).


    If you're all the way in Australia (except Tasmania), you'll need to set your clocks forward an hour at 02:00 (2am) - your summer is well on it's way!


    The clocks in the United States and Canada go back on November 4th.

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