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Posts posted by wistiria12

  1. Happy birthday a bit early. :D Do you have any special plans?


    Well since my "quiceañera" will be coming in few 2 years,so i'm not surprised there's not gonna be a huge party this year.But i don't care i just want to celebrate something i'm happy about! :D

  2. Hi i heard that you make great siggys and i was wondering if make me one. ^_^


    Name: Sakura

    Quote:Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm

    Font: Franklin gothic medium

    Size:almost as the same as khaos,but a little wider

    Colors:Well just add black,yellow and a little of purple (just like this or similar) to suit my personality

    Themes/Emotions: Emolga from pokemon

    Images:Emolga from the image in my avatar.I show you a link of the full image i want: <a href="http://media.photobucket.com/image/emolga/Skunky7/Pokemon/Emolga/Noname-90.jpg?o=72" target="_blank"><img src="http://i741.photobucket.com/albums/xx57/Skunky7/Pokemon/Emolga/th_Noname-90.jpg" border="0" alt="Emolga" ></a>

    Extras:some fireworks in the background would be nice


    I'd be glad if you can do this for me :D

  3. Finally only 9 more days till' my B-day.I'm so excited that i'm finally gonna be teenager and being in the 8th grade,even thought that i like being a kid.Middle school for was okay because there were some good times...And there were some bad times.But it doesn't matter i always focus on present and future,never the past ^_^

  4. Well. If you ask me, you shouldn't avoid any team. You choose a team because you want to be in the team and help it.


    I joined Shenkuu for 5 years now. I admit, there was too much tension in the boards but that did not bother me. I love Shenkuu and I still continued playing for them.


    It's your choice. I voted though. (:


    I agree jonathanjoseph99,you should choose a team because you like it,not because of there win! Hey everyone,don't be afraid of choosing your fav team,no matter what happens! :D

  5. Get a five dubloon coin?


    It's not like a coke machine, you can't give it ten dubloons and get five back in change :P


    Sorry...i was just wandering.I just can't afford a five dubloon coin because i wasted all my neopoints for an Altador cup wig.*embarrased* :*

  6. "Congratulations!

    You grabbed a bonus along with your Gold tier prize item!Your prizes have been added to your inventory"


    Sweet! i got a Cloud Castle Background and a Cloud Cardigan! I was hoping for a wig but atleast i got the background. :D



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