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Posts posted by wistiria12

  1. I only got 922 points and there aren't any good prices for me,no fair! Oh well...atleast shenkuu got 10th place and not last. :(


    P.S If anyone is selling the Altador Cup Wig,let me know or PM me


    Shenkuu supporters...i tried my best...really! :sad02:


    *Cries sadly until seeing the Bigsby Shadingtons Wonderclaw Widget 1-pack...for free!* YEEEEEEES SWEEEEET!!! :woot: i mean...whatever -_-



    Players' "Ages" (How old would they be in human years?)


    Mirsha - 17

    Xana - 16

    Larcy Phu - 25

    Antola - 15

    Foltaggio - 19


    yes I know it's a young team .. I keep imagining Karate Kid and The Lucky Seven (chinese movie)


    Fun facts (Relationships, jokes, or just random trivia!)


    can't think of any .. I'll update when I do



    Explanations of your team logo


    Shenkuu fan behind a yooyu ... and Ninja hooks


    Official/Unofficial rivalries your team has

    Krawk Island : official Ninjas vs Pirates !!!


    Anything else that I can't think of right now that you find interesting!

    Will update later



    p.s if someone else wants to do Shenkuu as well .. go ahead .. u can be better than me ;)


    Ok...i'll try...




    Players' "Ages" (How old would they be in human years?)


    Mirsha - 17

    Xana - 16

    Larcy Phu - 25

    Antola - 15

    Foltaggio - 19


    Fun facts (Relationships, jokes, or just random trivia!)

    "Last year's disappointment aside, Shenkuu is recognised by analysts as slow-starting but strong once they get going. The team's performance tends to be fairly mediocre during the first round of the tournament, then pick up rapidly as the Cup enters the second phase of the round-robin. Once Shenkuu gets started, it's nearly impossible to stop, with championship-level performance across the board, from Yooyuball to every last side game."


    Mirsha Grelinek-Also known as the team captain of the Shenkuu YYB Team.

    Xana DiLanche-Since her true weakness are Inexperience and Nerves,she may be fooled easily on a opponents score.

    Foltaggio-Rumors haved said that Foltaggio had an accident and injured his eye and could not be fix so to this day he wears an eyepatch,but still...nobody knows the real story,but himself...

    Antola Maeir-Also known as the youngest player in the Shenkuu team.

    Larcy Phu- Even thought that grundos came from Virtupets Space Station,Larcy Phu is been known to support shenkuu since there first place in 2007.He have also been known for he's dirty play


    Explanations of your team logo

    Since the ARE a yooyuball team,they represent there land by there famous color: Red Shenkuu paint.


    Official/Unofficial rivalries your team has

    Some of there rivalries are mostly with Krawk island,but for the past years at the altador cup,Haunted woods may have also some rivalries with shenkuu at YYB


    I hope this is ok




    This bruce kinda looks like a weird troll to me. :whistle:



    This mutant uni is like a cyclopes,right? :mellow:




    *smells a hideous odor and then finds out that it came from a swamp gas kau" Never mind... :worried:



    Hmmm...It looks like a baby shrimp or something... :eh:



    Umm...what is that anyway? o_O

  4. i got 49,705,so i wonder,which one are the wearables?


    Things that i WANT to buy:


    1x of paper document garland

    1x Dont Bother Me Earmuffs ( if wearable)

    1x or 2x of TNT Yooyu Plushie (if its wearable,but if its not,i won't buy it)

    1x or more of Yooyuball Snack Mix


    ...And that makes a total of: 16350 points or more for waisting :)



    i bought:

    1x Dont Bother Me Earmuffs

    3x Yooyuball Snack Mix

    1x paper document garland

    1x Art of yooyuball

    8x box of leftover muffins


    i'm still gonna buy more later...

  5. invent a ghost vacuum to capture it and make it pay for stealing my money! LOL (just kidding,if a real ghost took my money i would scream in terror) :P



    What would you do if you could travel to time? :woot:

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