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About wistiria12

  • Birthday 08/03/1998

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  • Interests
    Anime and Cherry Blossoms.

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  1. Today,july 10,i just went to the japanesse garden ( not actually in japan,but in ___)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. wistiria12


      "The only thing i would call a paradise is when me, my 3 best friends (theyre not anymore, though)..."


      How come your not best friends anymore,if that isn't a bother to you?

    3. khaos


      Hey, you used my quoting thing. :P


      We're all still friends. One of them, I talk to every so often. We talked 2 days ago. The other one (who was my best friend for the longest time, as the other ones only for 4 months) we just didn't talk because he lost interest in the stuff that we used to always talk about. The last one, she was the first one's friend, so.. yeah. Hope you understood all that xD

    4. wistiria12


      Yeah,i understand.Me and my BFF have tried to visit each other but we can't until the summer fair is open,which will be soon.

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