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About wistiria12

  • Birthday 08/03/1998

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  • Interests
    Anime and Cherry Blossoms.

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  1. Is sad because shenkuu is in 14th place ;(

    1. wistiria12


      what happened fellow shenkuu supporters? there's something wrong around here. :(

    2. jonathanjoseph99


      Well. We had a great game today. It's gonna help us go back up in the standings. And I do not think our fall is because we did not do our best, It is because we had a VERY tough schedule facing teams in Tier 1 and 2 Back-to-Back. While Brightvale and Lost Desert isn't having too much trouble YET. We're gonna bounce back. Don't worry. Things become worse when you give up. ;)

    3. wistiria12


      who's says i'm giving up? i'm not getting bummed that easy.There's nothing that could hold me back.GOOOOO SHENKUU! ;)

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