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Status Updates posted by wistiria12

  1. How much does a Gold Brightvale Job Coupon cost? Cuz I'm thinking on selling one.

  2. ...Not a fan of valentine's day... But atleast I have my friends by my side! ;)

  3. Yeah... So I'm posting in the forum mobile and I just have one thing to say... How long have i been gone?! everything's changed :p

    1. khaos


      I know right! I got used to this new layout, though.

    2. wistiria12


      yep,but its a little get used too

  4. Thanks for the beard but I can't because my xweetok is a girl. But I'm truly am thankful for the candy cane

  5. Finally, Christmas is coming! I can feel the chill in the air :)

  6. Hey I didn't know you were _____ in heritage,cool, _________!

  7. *Hops and waves hello* :3

  8. Hi everyone,been very busy lately.I missed a lot of things since i was gone like the game master challenge, trying to be a SM like everybody else...Oh well atleast i'm back,right? :)

  9. Sorry, been busy in the real world. I'm so left behind with the post and i missed The Game Master Challenge *sigh* Anyway, long time no see, Khaosdolph The Reindeer! :D

  10. How about know?

  11. OK! Here a go! *posting*

  12. *copies evil bunny's status* :P

  13. Been busy this,homework and stuff :P

  14. sending you a request soon,khaos.Good luck on your graphics!

  15. Sure,let me think of a graphic to choose...Oh you make graphics? :)

  16. LOL that is true and amazing xD

  17. Posted a topic Twice! I really need to get better with my posting :(

  18. Trick or Treat...?

    1. wistiria12


      Happy halloween everybody! (early)

  19. Thanks for the comment! I've been playing pokemon for a while and i already caught about 4 legendary pokemon

  20. Watching Lucky Star,episode 13 on youtube!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. khaos


      I need more friends like you guys. O_o Only one of my friends (beisde the one i mentioned earlier) watches anime, and it's only DBZ. More people need to watch Fruits Basket, Lucky Star, Fullmetal Alchmeist (Brotherhood), and Inuyasha. >:O

    3. wistiria12


      Good point,Deoxyribonucleic Acid! I agree with you

    4. khaos


      It's funny when its obvious you copied and pasted my name. :P

  21. This profile pic reminds me of Miyuki Takara from Lucky Star.I really love that show! Anyway,Congratz! I 've been busy lately so i'm not a SM yet :D

  22. Which is better Black or White...?

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