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Status Updates posted by khaos

  1. omigosh i just realized I never happy birthday'd you! D: I was on a half-hiatus. D: uhh... happy late birthday?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. khaos


      I did on Facebook?

    3. khaos


      I did on Facebook?

    4. Tedhaun


      Check my FB timeline for April 18, 2012. As a surefire way to make sure: If you do not see your Facebook Profile Picture or your name on there, then this means that you didn't/forgot to post Happy Birthday to Neomysterion.

  2. Omigosh Munro Chambers is in your city! #Jealous

    1. rachiee


      He's not in the same state as me though (he's in NJ, close enough) but I wish I could meet him ;n;

    2. khaos


      EVERYONE wishes they could meet him. :P

  3. One of my friends is COMPLETLY IN LOVE with penguins. :P She says she has her room full of penguin decor. :P

  4. P.s, i was watching divya being trapped, and she escaped the fence *nodnod*

  5. p30Pl3 Wh0 4R3 83FR13nD3D MY M3H 4R3 73H 4w350m357

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Manta


      well, looks like you win the 1337sp34k war! congrats! *hands Javi a plate of cookies that say 1337 on them*

    3. khaos


      I should do more of these more often. *takes cookies* (0|\|9R/-\+U|_/-\+|0|\|%.

    4. khaos


      I made my own L33t contest. Yeah, you heard me.

  6. Paranoid, as usual. :P

  7. khaos

    PEEBS I have not seen you here in ever

  8. Philosomeepit = Released!!

  9. Pi actually is not infintite. Is goes to about the trillionth digit. :)

  10. Pickles i eat i do not. Bananas i eat, i do.

  11. Pokemon is so awesome-est. :D

  12. Pokemon RP. Nao.

  13. pssh why sorry about that? :P i have a secret weapon 'cept it's not really secret anymore. it was the hanso charisma charm.

  14. psst. what is it? psst. go on more. psst psst.

  15. psst. wistiria. make a jellyneo forums account. psst.

  16. rated 5 stars for being a pretty cool guy.

    1. khaos


      which brings your rate from 2 stars to 3 stars.

    2. cup_of_chai_tea
    3. cup_of_chai_tea


      i rated you 5 stars but i don't think it changed anything o:

  17. Really? I didn't notice that, considering I havent been here for a year and a half xP

  18. Recognize my signature? ;D

    1. rachiee


      why yes i do :o

    2. khaos


      You made it! xD

    3. rachiee


      i know :P i made that like a year ago

  19. khaos

    S.P.A.M. (status version) Super Perfect Awesome Messages. XD

  20. Same here. Scaredy Squirrel should be your next name. :P

  21. same thing happened with unithexweetok. and seliphra too I think.

  22. Second time you've said "what can i say". In normal and 1n 1337 7a1|<.


  24. She knows. Actually, she wanted me to. I had that pic of me and my friends and then she said it was a bad picture of her (which its not) so she said she would take another one and email it to be my screensaver. :)

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