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Status Updates posted by khaos

  1. in 6 and a half hours you have maxed SoSd and have played 24 games of YYB. I applaud you, good sir. But srsly, you need sleep. xD

    1. -Ryan


      There will be time for that when i've maxed YYB. Unless of course theres enough time left for 600 MSN games. e-O

    2. khaos


      Have you maxed YYB any day of this AC? and maxing yyb an SoSd can possibly get you frozen. TNT is suspicious of over-obsessive people. xP

    3. -Ryan


      No not yet. I got 230 games on the first day though. :p

      Eh. I have DC friends who have done it this year already. :p

  2. In 6 years? No! Give me teh paper clip. @-@

  3. in all honesty, that fight was not fair because i forgot to heal.. :( but you still won.

  4. in two months i will have been here for three years and unlike most sites ive been obsessed with i dont regret this one

    1. Duskitty


      Have some Megidos (I don't know if you still like Homestuck but here you go). http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/053/e/d/homestuck_aries_by_ivettelc98-d5vusl2.png

    2. khaos
    3. Sakabato


      dont worry man i never regretted being obsessed with a site

  5. khaos

    IONA YOU'RE BACK!!!! :D (It's Javi btw)

  6. Is it healthy for me to be witnessing a bunch of deaths on TV shows? As in, deaths of important characters in dramatic scenes?

  7. Is it odd that I can name the games where each one of your Eevee sprites in your "About Me" is from? ._.

    1. flyingeevee


      I'd say well done! :D

    2. khaos
  8. is oldneo gone for good? i really miss that site.

  9. is talking to Ain on Facebook. We're being overly cautious on whether my dad wakes up and makes me go to sleep or not. xP

    1. Tedhaun


      (may poke Ain on FB someday, hoping to recognize me)

  10. Is that you in your prof- no. I'm obviously just kidding. xD

  11. Is your interests referencing to "The Last Mimzy?"

  12. Isn't that who plays Imogen in Degrassi?

  13. It looks like we're on at the same time again. :)

  14. khaos

    It used to lag a ton for me, too. But it doesn't anymore for some reason. :/ Not that I'm complaining or anything xD

  15. khaos

    It's more than 26 letters. :P

  16. It's not actually his birthday. :P

  17. it's summer and you were on during May. please syrin come back D: (PS this is Javi/Khaos)

  18. its just like the normal neopets, just check e-mail.

  19. khaos

    Its not true spam if it was that way, then. :/

  20. its okay. :) i see you joined. create a pet!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tedhaun



      With Javi and yours truly as the admins.

    3. khaos


      Like Neomystetion said. It's also in the left





    4. RevelNation
  22. Just bought Dragon Ball Z volume 3 and Fruits Basket volumes 6 and 7 for my friend. It's her favorite anime, and she got me into it in the first place. :D

    1. KreludorKid


      I prefer DBZ better. I've already read DB and DBZ series twice.

  23. Just notice that you're a girl and a Kaito. wat. where did you get your username from anyway?

  24. Just remember... I'M the awesome one.

  25. K, just let me find out how to do it... xD

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