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Status Updates posted by khaos

  1. khaos

    Hey Lassi, I haven't talked digitally seen you for the whole weeeeeeeeekkk. :D

  2. Hey wistiria, i was wondering if we could try to battle again since i accidentally missed our last battle. Dx i won't challenge you until you allow me to, and you can choose the time. Plz reply!

  3. Hey, I saw on a post you needed Forgotten Shore map pieces, and I have a few that I dont need (I completed it) so if you need any that I have, I have trades up for em. :)

  4. Hey, May 4 is your B-Day, right? no one knew because you put it unknown. :|

  5. Hey, thought I'd show you this butterfly thing since you love butterflies. εїз

    1. Alynniae


      LOL :D

      long live butterflies :D

  6. khaos

    Hi Ain!!! :D Am I awesome? *random*

  7. Hi Eevee. Feeling alright? (Jusswonderin. Trying to look out for fellow TDNFers >:3)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. flyingeevee


      I didn't have a break yet :'( Not even for President's Day...My Spring break doesn't start until late March so I'm stuck stressing over projects and Accounting x'D

    3. khaos


      Awwww. :<


      Let's go here to chat, it's faster: http://xat.com/Khaos64133789074641337

    4. flyingeevee
  8. Hi Hunoni, welcome to the forum!!

  9. Hi new person! Nice too meet you!! Im Khaos!

  10. Hi there, I haven't seen you in a very long time, but I remember you. :)

  11. Hi! Nice shield you got on Neopets. :) Welcome to the site!

  12. Hi! Why don't you post more and get to know people? (:

  13. hm... looks like we're enemies now. (for today at least) *ninja eyes thing*

  14. Hmm.. there is something I have in mind... but if it's not about Neo, I have to PM it, right?

  15. khaos

    Hmm... here's an original suggestion: how about lassi?

  16. Hmmm.... Oh! Did you get a partner for Hannah and the kreludor caves? i need to do that. but i cant beat AAA...

  17. Honestly, i didn't notice that you wanted a flying type by looking at your username. :P

  18. Honestly, I was gonna put monkeys but then I erased it and put penguins. xD

  19. how are you on my friends list but im not on your friend list? D:

  20. how come i have 2 notifications from you that you posted a comment on my profile yet I SEE NO COMMENT.

  21. How come you accepted my friend requst but im not on the list? :P

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