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Status Updates posted by khaos

  1. i check back here like twice a year whenever i feel nostalgic and make basically the same post every time lol. to anyone who sees this, best wishes, and i'd love to catch up with any old friends

  2. khaos


    But maaaaaaake ittttt. NAO.

  3. :P

    Fake last name. Some of my friends did that, put their first name and a fake last name. I put my real name. DO. NOT. LOOK. Lol jk :P

    Isn't it sad when you have more internet friends than RL friends? :C (If you do, I'm not offending you I'm just saying cause i do xD)

  4. ....Scaredy Squirrel!! :3

    @Taylor Swift: Lol, i know. :P

  5. ...I mean, 3 and a half! :D


  6. khaos

    ...OH MY GOD.


    You mind if i put it in my sig or something? ^_^

  7. *gasp* :longneckreactionguy:



  8. http://www.theotaku.com/quizzes/view/561/what_eevee_evolution_are_you%3F

    Hey Eevee, It's been a while! I thought you wanted to check this out if you haven't already, its what eeveelution are you quiz. :)

  9. 10 year old, like me!!! :D :D :D

    ...Your birthday was on 9/11.....


    Yeah, i can understand, i mean its freaking asparagus. Who doesn't love aspargus? xD

  11. and, five hours later..

    *steals paper clip*

  12. Are you back?

    ...You were gone, right?

  13. Assuming that was respectively, then okay. :/

    I consider mine.. *inhales*

    Ryan, Jb, You, Sakura, Neomysterion, Haduo, Ain, and Manta.

    Then There's the "kind of" list.

    Marshmallow, Sweetdang, Syrin, Ezazne, and maybe other ones.

    WOW I'm making a big deal out of this. xP

  14. BACK TO FB.


  15. Barbie Boy = Piticent? :/

    (Just so you know, I am WAAYYYY more awesome than him)

  16. Bleach is awesome.

    Just like your avatar. xD

  17. bringvictory.com

    I win again, gimme teh manual.

  18. but you joined april, not october.

    also, april 22 is the day i'm going on a 5-day field trip to North Carolina for 5 days :3

  19. khaos

    Check my name history. I'm Javi. :D

    Remember the guess a number topic? :3

  20. Cheeeese Piiiizaaaa... *starts drooling*

    All right pizza talk is getting old. xP

    Let's talk about nostalgia now. :D

  21. Cool. I dont have a dog, but my unicorn hat is in my room. No french:

    Joyeux anniversaire, Joyeux anniversaire! Joyeux anniversaire à ~Ryan, Joyeux anniversaire!

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