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Posts posted by barkie

  1. I also wrote down the colour and sequence up until I would get the error message to restart .Eventually I got it .Jellyneo says there is a different sequence for each person but I found the guide to the location of the Slugawoos really good

  2. Wow I didn't think there would be such UN funny scrpited chat in KeyQuest like" Ha Ha you lose" or worse(I think)" Don't worry one day you will be as good as me".....Well really I reckon sportsmanship and manners top both of those...

  3. As with heaps of the sponsor games etc. We in Australia cannot get the prizes either. That is what is the most annoying part of all the advertising. If Australians have to tolerate the advertising which has become more and more then let us win and play the games also...

  4. Is there some way to guard against the pant devil or at least make it less likely to attack my inventory. In one guide I have seen it says to have severak junk items in your inventory and that the Mootix will not attach if the pet pet has the same numbers of letters in it's name as the Mootix which woud be 6...Don't know if it is correct or not but worth a try

  5. Sorry to hear about your account woes Might get TNT to look into silencing my kids and grandkids cause I don't have much luck doing it. It is so easy to say or write something that is harmless to the ones involved and yet can be misconstrued by the powers that be... Keep sending in tickets with your account history and maybe even ask your neofriend whom you were neomailing to send in a note explaining that the remark was meant to be taken as a joke...

  6. No way do I quit during a game...I suffer the embarrassment and low rolls and my slow computer and All the yucky Powerups being played on me and landing on the worse squares and etc...and do you know what...sometimes I actually win and by not quitting I think I am winning at any rate...

  7. I have had two days of trying Tyrannian Dung Cheese and Dive left and tho I have been under 60secs a few times I have not got the avatar yet but I will keep at it At least I am winning some nps and keeping the cheese which I was not doing before I started this method so thank you to all who posted the suggestion here...

  8. I tried to send cures for your pets Neomysterion but only 1 seemed to go through as the others were not suffering from the illness... All my pets have the illness they are







    If someone can cure them I would be grateful. I have been sending cures non stop all over neopia so hope I have been doing some good. Wish they were as quick to activate the avvie for piñata Day as they are to put these horrible jokes in action...

  9. Wow Congrats on your 1million milestone. I remember some years ago I got my firdt million.I had it for about 3 or 4 minutes and then was hacked I had my account frozen and thought about giving neopets up but then decided that would make the hackers winners ..soooo I neomailed neopets and had my account(without the nps) restored and started again I have 3.5m in bank now and am still adding to it. I have helped my granddaughter quite a bit with her neohome items and a lab map pieces so I have done fairly well and am really glad I did not give up all those years ago..

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