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Posts posted by barkie

  1. I have refreshed probably about 200 times if not more and have still not spotted that darn Commander to battle. It comes up with the announcement that it is Dr Sloths birthday next thursday <_< but I imagined that was some weeks ago cause I missed the darn avvies that day. It isn't one where I need a code like the space faerie is it... Sorry to be a pest but I have the Battle Pet on loan and am trying to battle all the defenders enemies while I have it...

  2. Does anyone have a new refresh Key I can have I wore mine out refreshing at Space station and still haven't got Commander Garoo as a battle challenger :sad01_anim:

  3. I have been trying for the Henchmen and when I am frozen how long before the game starts again I don't seem to be able to use the equip or action and so withdraw even though my hps and power are way above my opponents...Am I doing it right or should I be waiting for my opponent to make a move...

  4. Congratulation on your 5 million....I once had 11 million but then I introduced my granddaughter to neopets and buying 1np items for 99,000nps from her shop and supplying furniture for her homes soon took the balance down and now my younger granddaughter has got the Neopets bug so looks like my balance will shrink again <_<

  5. When I joined Neopets 8 years ago I thought it would be only for a couple of years I have seen an increase in members and also heaps of new itema and things to do. With the introduction of the NC Mall and merchandise being made available in some countries it makes me think it will be around for many years to come.

  6. I am glad that your problem has worked out OK and I do know how you feel about your neopet I feel as though they are just like my RL pets and need to be taken care of just the same...Good Luck with your new program and please do try to pop back in to see us here at TDN

  7. I have used the ink bottles that are purchased with nps several times on my buildings but have just purchased the ink droppers from NC Mall and cannot get them to change anything about my P3s. I have not been brave enough to purchase the Faerie/Chocolate/etc ink bottles for buildings from the NC Mall in case they also do not work.

  8. I am in Australia and though we lost folk in the 9/11 it was many more from America. I am pleased that the mastermind of this terrible event has been caught and has paid the ultimate price for the crime. I do worry though that he has been isolated for so many years and yet acts of terrorism has still been carried out. Will the whole branch of this particular army or sect or whatever just collapse with the death of Osama or has the time been spent promoting and enlisting more of the same type of ....not sure what they should be called...

  9. Can anyone help me understand how the ink droppers work in my habitatium please. I have used the ink bottles successfully several times but have just purchased some ink droppers from the mall...nc ...I cannot seem to get them to paint my P3s though.

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