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Posts posted by brandongamer

  1. Right now I'm playing Maplestory. I've been playing since 2006 with many long breaks in between, yet no matter what other game I play I always end up coming back. Maybe once I get a better computer I can move on to a better mmorpg. :-\

    My friends used to play Maplestory years ago - has there been anything new added there?

  2. If you do play IcePets, talk about it. What do you like, what don't you like?


    If you've never heard of it, the banner in my sig links to the site.

    I'm a member there, but I don't play. It could use a lot more features if it plans to bring in neo users

  3. 1. going on a super long hiatus (like 2 or 3 years. Lucky it didn't get purged). I wish I had at least collected daily interest... when I came back, I was getting 3k daily

    2. Selling a unbuyable (like 120k) for 2 falsely inflated TGC cards (went from 70k to 15k in like 5 days)

    3. my username.

    4. When I came back from hiatus, I didn't really know about switching mains, and stamp collecting was new. I got excited about them and started collecting right away. I had about 300k in stamps in my album, and was like "well, that's so much money, so I guess I'll just stay with this account" ... now I have like 400+ stamps. I'll probably regret it again when I get to like 600. :O

    What made you take so much time off? Did you forget about neo, or did you just get too busy?


    Why did you sell the unbuyable though?

  4. So, for those that "pray" and actually believe in a God - what's a prayer that you use daily? Is it from the bible? Or is something that you made up?


    I know one of my favorites is:

    "Dear heavenly father,

    Thank you for blessing me with another day here on earth, please give me the strength and courage to make it through this day"

  5. I just joined this site yesterday and I was wondering when I am going to get my activation email. Is the owner still around?

    The owner is still around. I'm sorry to bring up an old post, but I didn't want to make a new thread. Has anyone heard of Aywas? Are you a member?


    Here are more of its pets:






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  6. Hi! I'm learning about Neopets. I hope this will be a pleasant way to learn about it.


    Welcome to the community, how are you? How did you hear about Neopets? When did you start playing?

  7. So, what do you guys think makes a good community? In terms, of members, and posts. Do you think it takes time to make a good community - or do the members make a good community, or is it the content? Let's discuss the various things that make a community "good".

  8. i made the mistake of refreshing a bit too much for the Snow Beast Battledome challenger ... and TNT froze my account ... which had a werelupe (before the Neopets 2.0 so that makes it UC) and a ring of the lost worth 13 millions .. amongst other amazing items that break my heart to even remember

    however, it wasn't entirely my fault .. TNT were on one of thier freezing frenzies ... and that made me lose it and leave neo for 2 and a half yrs ... and i missed 2 plots (the dr sloth one and the tale of woe)


    some other mistakes include losing NP's stupidly .. like bidding 100k on a plushie baby pb bcz the seller tricked me into believing it's a baby pb (i was able to resell it for 60k so my total loss was 40k) .. selling some codestones for 1np when i thought i was removing them from my shop while actually i was pricing them ... buying some false-inflated wearables etc. ........ but nothing too big ...

    I never knew refreshing was a problem on Neopets - we used to do it all the time when we were in the shops, sometimes we got RS banned too.

  9. I received an email saying 'A request was made to retrieve the usernames associated with this email address.'


    But I didn't make this request. Should I be worried?

    Someone is trying to access your email. Is your email secured? If not, I'd recommend changing the password and such.

  10. No, as I am a full-time university student. :) My husband is kind enough to let me focus on school full-time.

    What are you majoring in then?


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  11. I used to play Farmville and Frontierville, but they sucked the life out of me and I had to give them up. Now I just play Neopets and kinda Eggcave, if you count that as a game.

    When did you stop playing them?


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  12. Welcome back! :) What's your favorite neopet?


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  13. I am currently a full-time university student, but I have been employed as:

    - an arcade manager

    - the assistant manager of a Goodwill store.

    - an advertising/marketing person

    - a CSS web designer person

    - a lowly waitress.

    - I had a job at a networking company for 2 weeks...I still have no idea what my job title was or what I was supposed to be doing.

    - a photo developing technician at the Wal-Mart photo center (before digital cameras).

    - a third-shift stock person.

    - an on-air personality at a fairly large radio station.


    Haha, there have been more jobs actually. I guess I get bored fairly easily, and I abhor authority.

    Are you still working now?


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  14. Oh thank you for your response. I understand what you're saying. In fact, if it weren't for neopets I likely wouldn't be where I am today. I met some of the most amazing people that are with me today after all these years, but it hurts to know that I can't go back. I guess for me it is...I tried so hard on neopets to finish what I always wanted to gain on the site and once I practically got all those goals, it shattered and I lost everything. One thing that really hurt was, the Draik was given to me from someone I deeply love and care about. No one could replace that person and well, they meant the WORLD to me. They quit neo and gave me their most loved pet and 1 week later I was iced and I just lost it. I didn't know how I could tell that person what happened and I thought they'd stop talking to me, but when they forgave me....it hurt even more 'cause I didn't deserve that. I didn't deserve the pet to begin with. It made me even more upset at TNT for not hearing me out because when it involves the one I love...I dunno. x.o; That was really a long rant, I am sorry.


    B-but, is there a contact number I could use you think? I dunno what it is. x.o


    Do you think that's one of the reasons they banned you? Because of the pet or?


    The only way I can think of is to send them support emails, or try to contact them on Facebook.

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