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Posts posted by sabrignome

  1. Anyone have rare gnomes that arent in my gallery that would be willing to sell me discounted? I have some in my old neohome like bat thing gnome and a couple others. Im also interested in mushrooms of all types. Anyone know the name of the site where you can look up neoitems? I want to search for gnomes and get the list of all of them. Maybe it was neoitems.com?


    I found it, it's neoitems.net

  2. i like these! mine included draiks and a bunch of fruit/veggie chias. the rest are on Jules1891's petpage on my account on neo if anyone is interested in looking at them :)


    I have a Peach Chia on my account now, check her out, she's pretty kewl, she's my battle pet. I just put a new gnomey background on her too! Incase you couldnt tell, I kind of like gnomes! LOL

  3. Im bummed that the one day I missed the calendar this year is the day they actually gave something good. That NC coin thing. I got the theme a few years ago and I dont think I had gone every day for the prizes.


    Am I the only one who was very unimpressed by the prizes this year?

  4. After much thinking I have decided on 4 "dream pets"


    baby chomby, halloween hissi, halloween uni, mutant gelert


    And four "back ups"


    robot hissi, darigan shoyru, darigan wocky, darigan floatsam


    I'd kill for a UC MSP Poogle though. Simply because they're so cool (the current MSP Poogle to me is just a plushie poogle with a face...)


    Halloween Ixi was my very first fav pet, I bought a Halloween PB my first year of playing and painted Sabrignome the Uni with it. She is still the same today :) My other fav pet when I first started playing was a Pirate Chomby, but they have some kewler Pirate pets now on my list.

  5. I mistakenly posted my wanted list on the wrong board so here it is again, with additions I had forgotten.

    Pirate Hissi, Krawk, Draik, Chomby, Buzz or Gnorbu.

    Mutant Draik or Skeith.

    Maraquan Skeith, Usul, Shoyru or Blumaroo.

    Halloween Skeith or Chomby.

    Darigan Chomby, Grundo, Xweetok, or Nimmo.

    I also like alot of the Magma pets. Let me know if you have any of these for adoption, I dont really have anything to trade. Thanks. ~Gnome


    Oh and my Neopets name is the same as it is here, Sabrignome :)

  6. Anyone have a Pirate Hissi, Krawk, Draik, Chomby, Buzz or Gnorbu for Adoption? I've always wanted one of them. I'd also love a Mutant Draik or Skeith. Maraquan Skeith, Usul, Shoyru or Blumaroo. Halloween Skeith or Chomby. I also like alot of the Magma pets. Let me know if you have any of these for adoption, thanks. ~Gnome

  7. What do you think would be a better name for a mutant gnorbu? I have one pet named Edwiird and one named xoxStupidxox. Or do they both not work? Im not sure about either one.


    The pet named xoxStupidxox is an island shoyru right now. Maybe I should see if anyone wants him before I decide to morph him. Do you guys have a pets for adoption section? I would offer him to anyone who wants one. I'd like a chomby myself.


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  8. I like the villain avatars! I'm hoping for one of those :)


    I missed all of the fighting, i'm bummed about that. I hope I dont miss out on an avy because of it. I didnt get any of the battle achievements.


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